February 9, 2018

Don't ya hate it when........

This week, despite the fact that it started out with a MONDAY
~ usually the worst day of the week for those of us that aren't retired ~ it was a great week, even though there was a bit of trauma when two of our dental assistants called in sick on the
same day.  What made it great was the cooperation and team work that got everyone through the day, and none of the
patients were rescheduled.  I even had a brief discussion
with our OM, and was completely surprised that she mentioned
that I'm to be on the receiving end of a raise ~ you know, the
raise that doesn't really increase your bottom line much but
at least shows that you're being rewarded for your hard work.
I have some issues with our OM, but that narrative will have
to wait for another day.
Then a small little thing plunged me into tears, and which
remains with me today.......

I have a friend, someone from a previous
workplace...there are barriers to our getting
together on a regular basis, so when we do get
together, it's special.
In the past 4 months we've made plans to get
together three different times.  The first time
she cancelled, she was sick.  The second time
she cancelled, she texted she had forgotten that
she had a massage scheduled, and company
coming that weekend.  Yesterday she cancelled
because her husband has a terrible cold, and she
felt guilty that she would be leaving him alone
for two more hours after a full day of work.
And I get it, I really do......I've seen so many patient cancellations due to flu and colds and other illnesses in the past month.  My biggest issue is that she always cancels the day of our plans.  Which
means I really don't have time to plan anything else.  I feel both angry and sad at the same time.  I would really appreciate a day's notice, which would at least indicate that my time is at least as
valuable as hers.

I guess I'm tired of making excuses for her.  And worst of all, I don't like feeling like the person in her
life that doesn't deserve consideration, and it's ok to do this to me over and over.  And yet, I hate to sever our relationship.  Why?  I don't know.  I have a lot of trouble letting go, and/or feeling that I'm just not that important.

Love, 365


  1. I wouldn't let the friendship go, but I would also stop reaching out...balls in her court.

    1. Yeah, I've come to the same conclusion. She did text me today and ask again about rescheduling so there's that.
      You know how some days there's no problem rolling with the punches, and some days it just rips you up. Probably just called "being human", lol.

  2. I have to agree with Joe, there is no need to sever the relationship and at the same time there is no need to make plans for her, let her come to you.

  3. I agree with Josh. However I've been in these types of relationships too long myself. It's tough. But when you let go you feel both sad and yet lighter and better. It's hard for me to describe. If she reschedules you may wish to call the day before to be sure she's going. Just like a quick hi, are we still on for tomorrow? It may help who knows.

  4. That sounds so familiar as to what happened to me, I reconnected on the phone with a childhood friend that I've known for years! We enjoyed talking about different movies we've seen, and at times talked for hours, until something changed. There were several different times that I text him to set a time to where we could chat on the phone again, and each one of those times he agreed, but when that day and time came, he brushed it off, and didn't even call like he said he would, so I'd end up calling him, but each time I did, he said he had company! I became so tired of his disrespect towards me, that it came to the point that I made up my mind to no longer talk with him, which to this day doesn't hurt my heart any! He actually text me at least three different times afterwards, which I refused to reply back, I just deleted his texts instead.

  5. I have a friend who "can't say no" who has a lot of acquaintances, not friends, that she doesn't really like. We do strange things to ourselves.


Cheap sunglasses..........

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