August 21, 2020

The Dog Days of Summer.......Siriusly?


Days of the Dog Star....

Seems like a lot of areas are experiencing a heat wave.  But the Dog Days of Summer don't have anything to do with our puppies....but the dog star Siruis, which used to make it's appearance during the hottest part of the year.  We are breaking a few records here in New Mexico.  All I can do now is hope the garden pulls through for that last crop of tomatoes.  I've really learned a lot (or re-learned that is) about how to put my garden together for next year, and I plan to add a few raised beds for herbs and a few more veggies.  Oh, do you need any Greek Oregano?  Because that darn thing is taking over.......

This past week was soooo much better than last week.  Ms Loud took Monday off, and was in a much better mood the rest of the week.  It's a relief, like having a nice rain.  I guess those anti-maskers are not doing well with being forced to comply.  Our numbers are going down.  Why aren't they making that connection?  

The three of us took a very long walk this morning, since it was my day off.  It was so nice to spend time together, just walking.  We always need to check the dog for cactus spines now, we've found one in her leg, and last week I found one mixed in with her wiskers.  Poor poochie!  She didn't complain but it did bleed a bit.  So, now we check to make sure she doesn't get an infection.  She loves the long walks....she spends the rest of the day sleeping except for meal time 😃

We've settled into such a routine.  I suppose it's the only thing to do.  I make bread on the weekends, Romeo cooks during the week and I do on the weekend.  And even though Romeo is happy enough to stay home, we are planning a trip to Ruidoso in the fall, and a visit to White Sands.  It is such a beautiful place, with all of that gypsum sand.  In less than two months the weather will be beautiful....I can't wait to go!

I hope all of you have plans to get away, even for a few days....

Love, 365


  1. No oregano needed here thanks. We've got plenty of that greek stuff too lol
    How nice you got a rest , from irksome person, and a boost.

    1. You've got that right.

      Wow, I really didn't realize the oregano would grow that fast....glad I only bought one plant :-)

  2. We have been choking on the smoke from the California wildfires for the last week so we haven't really been out much but a storm is coming through that might clear it up. Then we are supposed to cool down next week. Looking forward to it. Glad you are having a better week.


Happy Anniversary to us, and to Peg and Rick :-)

  Our anniversary (the first one, lol) is Dec. 1.  We rarely remember it.  It occurred to me a week later, and Romeo didn't even recall ...