September 13, 2020

What do we do now?........

We are on the cusp of my favorite season of the year.  Yeah, I'm a fall junkie.  I love fall colors, fall food (pumpkin pie, apple pie, roasted chicken ~ everything we don't usually cook during the hot summer months).  Some of the most beautiful landscape paintings or photos are painted/taken during the fall.  

 Fall is also the season of flu, colds and other crappy illnesses.  Romeo bugged me relentlessly to get my flue shot, even though I thought it was a little early, which I did get last weekend.  Not that I am expecting it to help with Covid, of course.  With Covid on the scene, and cases starting to rise again (see above) and in France, we all know this is not over.  Not by a long shot.  😕 

The West coast is still burning.  I feel so sorry for all of those that have lost their lives, their homes and possessions, their pets.  So much gone.  There have been Facebook sunset/sunrise photos in New Mexico that have tragically been more colorful (and beautiful) because of all the smoke in the air.  I certainly hope that the fires are put out soon.  And I think we should all pray for those firefighters who's lives are on the line trying to protect lives and property.  

Sadly, there is enough bad news, I could fill this post with it and it would end up being the longest post ever.  It's not easy to try to maintain a positive attitude these days.  We don't want to bury our heads in the sand, but at the same time we don't want to walk around with a black cloud over our heads day in and day out.  I will respond with silliness.......   

I hope all of you have a great week, in spite of the challenges.
Love, 365


  1. Fall is my favorite season as well. But this whole year is my least favorite of my lifetime and my mom died when I was 13 - so that's saying a lot.

    1. So many reasons to dislike this year ~ ok, hate this year with a passion usually reserved for politics....

  2. I'm with Peggy. Worst year in my 57 years on the planet and, admittedly, I have it much better than most.

    1. Well said, I know I have it so much better than so many, but I believe we can all come together on this one admittedly teeny tiny point. Otherwise, I've never seen so much turmoil.

  3. In Idaho, we have been impacted a little bit by the fires from all of the smoke but we got a little bit of a break today as it rained. I hope that helps out as it's bad enough dealing with COVID-19 but now we can't even go outside. The first two memes were quite funny. Thank you.

  4. It’s obvious some patients with HIV are being enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not cure it permanently. I have been with the virus for years until I was introduced by a  friend who also narrated her story online on how she was cured of Genital Herpes after using Dr James Herbal Mix Medicine.  I was cured of HIV/AIDS after the usage of strong herbal mix medicine Dr, James prepared for me. All thanks to  Dr James, for healing me. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and roots and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I wonder why people still spend their money on surgery, injections and drugs each time they are sick. Natural herbs can cure all kinds of illness including ALZHEIMER'S DISEASES, Lyme disease, Bipolar, Rosacea,Psoriasis/ Shingles, Lupus, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, Cancer’s, Bladder Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Breast Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Skin Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Fibromyalgia, syndrome Fibrodysplasia, Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease, Diabetes, Celiac disease, Antipathy, Ataxia, Arthritis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Adrenocortical carcinoma. Asthma, Allergic diseases. Hiv_ Aids, Herpes, Inflammatory bowel disease, COPD, Diabetes. herpes, Cancer, Vaginal burning, diabetics, asthma, EBV, HIV, hepatitis, Enlargement, etc. I've seen it with my own eyes. I was Cured of HIV and my aunt and her husband were cured of Cancer by  the same Dr James who uses natural herbs and roots extracts to cure different kinds of illness. Even Dr James proved to the whole world countless times that natural herbs can cure all kinds of diseases, and he cured countless people using natural herbs. I know it is hard to believe but am a living testimony. He prepared the herbal mix medicine and sent it to me through SPEED POST COURIER  SERVICES and I took it as he instructed. MORNING AND EVENING FOR 15DAYS, 7days later after the usage of his herbal mix medicine, I went to the hospital to do a checkup, the results came out, and I was NEGATIVE. There is no harm in trying herbs, it will  cure you of any diseases you are suffering from, so why don't you give herbs a try and see its effectiveness. Dr James herbal mix medicine it's easy to drink with no side   Contact Dr James on his Email .... .AND GET RID OF YOUR DISEASES.


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...