January 22, 2021

Oh, happy birthday to me......


Sioux and I, this past fall, on our way home from a small holiday out of town....

Every 4 years, I share my birthday with the inauguration of the newly elected president of the U.S.  This year I had mixed feelings, happy as I am that Trump is out of the White House, Biden was not my choice, although I did vote for him.  When I was 21, I was finally able to vote, which was the year President Jimmy Carter was elected.  My first son was born that year.  My marriage was already in shambles, but hung on for another 3 years.  

It doesn't bother me that my birthday is eclipsed every 4 years to this event ~ both events are not my cup of tea.  This years inauguration was re-run all day apparently.  I didn't watch it all, just a few snippets of the parts I wanted to see.  Meh.  I'm not interested in the fanfare ~ it is what will happen in the years to come that interest me.  I did enjoy the clip of President Biden and his wife standing on the balcony watching the fireworks.   

I have been watching Restoration Home, which I found on You Tube.  It's set in the U.K. ~ a documentary of sorts where people (& not all of them are wealthy, although most are) buy a crumbly old historical building and then realize the darn thing is going to send them to the poor house in the restoration process.  The over all theme is how none of these people stay within their budgets.  But I enjoy the design and architecture, and the history behind these homes.  I certainly hope they receive a little help from the program, because all of them hit low points where they aren't sure they will be able to continue on.  The results are really fascinating though.  

All is well.  We so far have escaped Covid ~ it's a day by day thing.  Today we are healthy, but tomorrow is not guaranteed.  We're tired of being home most of the time ~ true of most people.  We still need to reschedule patients that *gasp* had the gall to go out of state, and haven't been back for at least 2 weeks.  Most just didn't think about it, some are disgruntled.  And I know that some don't tell us, because their time is just more important.  I have my second vaccination in 12 days, but it doesn't mean my life will change, it just gives me a little more confidence that if I am exposed, I won't be as sick.  

The anti-maskers are really becoming tiring.  We are all tired of the restrictions, but am I just a gullible soul?  I think they believe that there is no stopping the virus, and that eventually we will all come down with it ~ and if a few thousand people die, well, that is the price, right?  No matter ~ we want to go back to our lives as they were before March of 2020.  We don't care about your loved ones, your mother, father, aunt, grandmother, your spouse.  Let them die.........I find them evil and stupid.  If the doctors are begging us to wear a mask, does that mean nothing?  Science means nothing?  Will the Biden administration change any of these opinions?  I don't think so.

I'm tired of all the anger, the division, the outrage over it all.  At first I thought maybe people would learn to be kinder to each other.  Oh, was I wrong, and really wrong.  

Love, 365


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!
    I am so thankful we don't have the anti-maskers around here. Maybe because it is a highly educated area and they know science is real. I don't know but it's just the way it is. I never see anyone without one. Now mind you I don't go many places besides medical facilitys, grocery stores, ups and I went to home depot. Nothing big you know? I'm going to miss the mentality of this area when I leave. :-(

    1. Oh, New Mexicans wear their masks ~ it is Facebook where I keep seeing the anti-mask rants. I probably should quit reading them. :-)

  2. Happy belated birthday! I didn't watch much of the inauguration either as I was just happy that we have a new tenant in The White House. He wasn't my favorite either but I have faith that maybe he can bring some normalcy back to us and we can really use that right now. Take care.

    1. I was glad he signed the necessary documents to put us back into the Paris climate agreement. There's a long way to go!

  3. Happy birthday to you! I hope you have a lovely weekend. -Jenn

  4. So so many of us are with you on your final sentiment. What can each of us do in our own small way to make it better? Happy birthday though. Regardless of who or what you share it with it is still your own.

    1. Lol, my birthday has become rather a non-event for me, although it does mean I've managed another year! :-)
      Yes, there are small things we can do for each other, and a lot of small things will make a difference. Thanks for reminding me!

  5. Well, happy belated birthday, whether you like it or not. But I'm with you on those ignorant anti-maskers and it appears they're still fighting Biden. And science. And common sense. Nice picture of you and your dog.

    1. :-D I am ambivalent, I certainly am happy to still be here though. Common sense? What is that, some kind of new age conspiracy theory? haha

  6. Happy birthday to you and may you have many more of them.
    Hope the new potus is saner. We won't miss all the reporting of the antics of the old
    one that's for sure. Ours sight outs mind

    1. Thanks! Today is my name day as well ~ St Xenia of Rome
      Yes, lets hope there is a modicum of sanity. I hope they block him from twitter forever!


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...