January 10, 2024

A rare morning alone.....


It's a rarity alright ~ Romeo went to a church service this morning, so I have a few hours to myself.  With the dogs of course, haha.  I hardly ever have the house to myself!  

Did I mention recently that we bought a new washer?  We had the 15 year old washer checked out for a leak, and it was going to cost nearly $500 to fix it.  I said no.  It's becoming a money pit as we had it repaired last spring.  I bought an Electrolux washer that was on sale at Lowes.  I didn't even know they produced anything other than vacuum cleaners.  It's not here yet, it's supposed to be delivered on Saturday.  I cannot believe how much trouble we've had with appliances since I retired.  I should have known, since the washer and dryer are both 15+ years old.  The dryer is fine, we did have to have it repaired in 2022 because a mouse had made it's way all through the ducting and into a fan assembly.  But otherwise, it's drying the clothes and that's all we need!

We did have some snow this past weekend, and Zoē loved it.  Romeo took a video of her playing in it, but it's not that good of a video, since he was in the house.  She hopped like a rabbit through it ~ her first experience with snow ~ and wasn't quite sure what it was.  She is doing good, she's getting the hang of ringing the doggy door bell to go out to do her business.  She still makes mistakes, especially upstairs.  But as long as she was recently out, I  know I have a 30-40 min window of safety, lol.

I never realized how much easier it is to house train when there's an experienced dog in the house already.  This photo was the day before the snow....it was sunny and nice, in the low 40s.  We're in for some wind tomorrow, so we're getting them out today for some much needed exercise.  

In the Greatest Baker competition, I am officially out of the running.  I never expected to win,  but had remained in 1st place for so long, I was getting my hopes up!  The last couple of days someone else surpassed me in votes.  I wish them luck!  

Well, I need to get some chores done, so I wish you a happy Wednesday!

Love, 365


  1. Sorry to read about the voting in the baker competition. Less about the baking that about being able to campaign for votes I guess. Small animals in snow are so funny aren't they? Mr T used to shake each foot between steps if he was out in snow.

    1. I looked up the bakers that are still in the running, and out of 5, 4 have bakeries. I will keep that in mind, and probably not enter next year. Yes, campaigning for votes is the name of the game, and it made me a little uncomfortable.

  2. It's a pity you're out of the competition. Your baking looks delicious. They should come and do a taste test.
    Appliances around here get patched together. I'd love some new things but the new stuff doesn't seem to be very long life.

    1. I don't know how many people entered, but I felt good about getting that far!
      After we got the new washer, we discovered it cleans much better than our old one did. We called the city for a large item pick up, but we noticed a guy came and loaded it into his truck, probably to fix up and sell. That was great! At least it will continue to be used instead of being in the landfill. And you're right, new appliances don't seem to last very long these days.

  3. Sorry about the competition - I voted though. My dog luckily was easy to train and in 24 hrs she was housebroken. I think we got a rare dog because I thought this would be difficult.
    Now that Rick can't drive I am never alone and I know it sounds terrible but just a few hours alone would be lovely. Oh well, all in all I can't complain, I just do. 😊

    1. Thanks for voting, Peg! I appreciate it.
      Yeah, Cairn Terriers are really smart, but also stubborn. You did get a rare one, because I've never had a dog be house trained in one day! Wish I had, though :-)
      Yep, we all need a little alone time, but I get it. It doesn't happen very often.


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