March 8, 2024

Last Spring forward time change?....

 No.  There was talk about it last fall, and it sounded like they were planning on keeping us on dst all the time.  Evidently they couldn't commit, because this is New Mexico, and we sure don't want to make an actual decision.  Ha ha

Not that it makes much difference to me, since I no longer have to get up for work, but I do have to be to church on time.  So there's that.  


In other fun news, I have been sick with the flu for nearly a week, and still don't have all my energy back.  Stupid flu shot did not prevent me from losing 5 1/2 pounds in a 48 hour period.  I slept on the sofa for two days, because I didn't want to go up the stairs.  Romeo was kind enough to set me up.  I had kleenex, a wet wash cloth, water and anti-nausea meds (which taste so bad, you wonder how you're gonna keep it down), and best of all ~ the bucket.  In case I know I can't make it to the bathroom, which I ended up using 3 times.  Gross, just gross.  The only bright side I can see is that if I had to have it, at least I didn't get it during Lent, when the number of services reaches the almost ridiculous.  Plus I have flowers to do, and prosphoro to bake.  

I also discovered, that the circular rash I get on my left butt cheek is most likely shingles.  I get this when I've been sick or really stressed.  I've had it show up for 4 - 5 years (not every year though) and I never realized that's what it is until a week ago.  It's always in the same place.  It itches, but not like poison ivy.  It's really ugly, so good thing it's in a place that no one sees except us.  I also didn't realize that some of the symptoms I'd been having ~ when I thought I would be over the flu ~ are from shingles.  Like fatigue, headache, and fever.  The problem is that my immune system is not doing so great.  My white cell count now stays below the optimal range all the time. 

The good news is that when I'm not sick, I feel pretty good.  Ha ha

Zoē had her spay operation yesterday... poor thing was out of it all day.  She's doing better this morning, although her appetite is still off.  I know this photo isn't that great, but it's not easy taking good photo's of a black doggie.  This is just her head, with the cone on (now they're clear).  She's all wrapped up like an enchilada, because she was shivering.  She has her surgery outfit on now, so that she doesn't have to wear the cone ~ those things are great.  Prevents access to surgery site and helps keep her a little warmer.  I spent the day holding her, taking her out for a pee, and making sure she rested.  Demitri was interested at first, and then stayed away, which was helpful.  She should be back to normal in a few days.

Well, that's it for now!  I need to put all the Lent flowers and bread into my calendar so I don't forget to do it!

Have a great weekend.

Love, 365


  1. That wasnt flu, that was a clean out! Hope you're much stronger now. Easter is a coming! We are organising the big Clean Monday celebration. Fortunately not at our house this year

    1. I am planning on doing a spring cleaning during Clean Week, but I still have to keep up with the daily stuff too, especially with a puppy roaming the house. I am finally feeling better. Unfortunately the weather is putting off a bit of gardening I was going to do today. So I did some sewing, laundry, dish washing. Really exciting stuff. :-)

  2. Sure that wasn't covid? And I did not know shingles coukd come and go like that. I've had it, my mom, my friend and my husband. It's horrific nerve pain. Everyone got it and I went and got the vaccine. I got it but it did not last long and it hardly hurt me. The others were miserable. I hope we would just pick dst or est and just stay there!@

    1. I did a Covid test, which was negative. And I'm fairly certain it is shingles. I took another photo today for the doc, so that I can get her opinion. I guess I don't have that many nerves on my butt, because all it did was itch. Now it's in the scabby stage (I bet you are so excited to know that, haha). Maybe it isn't shingles, but I don't know what else it could be. I did have the two stage shingles vaccine, which is why I think I didn't have a huge outbreak.
      Yes, make a decision, for pete's sake!!!


Happy Anniversary to us, and to Peg and Rick :-)

  Our anniversary (the first one, lol) is Dec. 1.  We rarely remember it.  It occurred to me a week later, and Romeo didn't even recall ...