March 6, 2025

It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasing bunnies.

Yes, I am still working.  I should have been done a week ago.  I really didn't want to be there when the new office integrated into ours ~ with very little notice to their patients, which just adds....well, you know what it adds.  Starts with an f and rhymes with chicanery.  One of the docs asked if I could help out with training the new front desk person.  I said yes, but that I would have to leave every day by 2.  He was ok with that ~ that's how desperate he is for more help right now.  So I go in at 8, and work straight through until 2 (eating lunch at my desk) and then run out the door.  It has turned into data entry more than training.  We can't just simply combine their schedule with ours, at least not without having no computer for at least 4 days, and be ok with losing some of the data.  We just can't do that.  So now what I do is answer her questions about our dental program, and put their patients into our schedule.  

I haven't looked at how far ahead their schedule goes.  Right now I'm on April 1.  Seriously, I can't do this long enough to get it all in.  So my plan is to kick butt next week and see how far I can get.  If I can get through June, I'm going to hang it up.  If I can get that far, then the existing staff can enter it in during the time they normally gossip and drink coffee (which admittedly isn't happening much right now).

I should be able to earn enough money doing this gig to buy Romeo a new computer.  He wasn't able to download the tax program because he isn't able to update his computer anymore.  I want to do it on the sly and give it to him as a surprise gift.  Mainly because I don't want to get roped into doing our taxes every year.  

~ I just typed a sentence that started with "I'm not doing this for more than 2 more weeks" but erased it, since I started this with "I should be done by now". Ha ha

A couple of days this week we've had lots of wind and dust storms.  You can't drive anywhere without having tumble weeds rolling across the road.  And it's nasty being out in a dust storm.  I had an errand I was going to do after work today, but I nixed it in favor of trying tomorrow.  The past 12 months have not seen much moisture.  As I was sitting at an intersection, I could see dirt being blown into the air.  

Have a great weekend!  I'm ready!

Love, 365



  1. I can't imagine how you faced going back to your old job. I think i would die. That dust storm looms frightening.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. At least it won't be long now and you'll be in Greece 😀😀


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...