December 29, 2014

At least there's no drama on Monday mornings!

We did have snow on Christmas evening, so pretty.

Well, I'm glad Christmas is over, aren't you?  The crazy malls and grocery stores, the tree and decorations in the house are getting old.  I won't take the tree down until after New Years though, even though I'd love to!  Romeo asked me if I wanted him to bring down the boxes for the decorations & tree, but I told him to wait.  Plus, I'd kinda like some help, so if I wait until Jan 1, everyone will be home and be able to participate in the fun!  I'm sure they'll be so happy and excited to help.....ha ha ha.

#2 son worked on his truck this weekend, putting in vinyl flooring.  It was really cold this weekend, and he was grumpy...I asked him why, and he said he wasn't happy with the result.  I looked at it and told him I thought it looked great.  At least now when he spills something (which is what prompted it) he will be able to clean it up.  I think the flooring will smooth out when the weather gets warmer, but he is doubtful.

I have spent the last 3 hours online, applying for my weekly unemployment benefits, and applying for positions I see on various websites.  I did run across a new website today, named  There was a job listing for UNM Hospital that I applied for, and think I would really enjoy, so I hope they call me for an interview.  I think that the further we get from the holidays, there will be more opportunities/jobs posted.....I hope so, because they have been pretty dismal.  I never heard from the lady I interviewed with, but it was good experience.  I had thought about it, and decided that I was not really thrilled about driving to the east side of the mountains every day (especially during the winter), and I know that someone with experience was interviewing with her after me.  I'm kinda glad she didn't offer me the job, because the pay was a big disappointment, although it might have been a fun environment to work in.

I had volunteered to work at the food bank today about a month ago, and totally forgot about it until last night, so most of my plans for today have been cancelled.  I need to be there at 1:30.  Hopefully I won't get lost, although I do have the address and my handy dandy Google maps app on my phone.  I do notice that the driving directions you get aren't always the most direct, but as long as I get there, I'm happy.

Well, gotta go get ready, still need to shower & do my hair ~ which looks fabulous thanks to Jess, my hairdresser.  I had an appointment on Friday, and she was so kind to give me a great discount due to my circumstances.  When I am fully employed again, I shall have to do something special for her.  

Love, 365


  1. Good luck with the job thing. It took me until I was 45 to find what I was supposed to do.
    Driving somewhere I haven't been or don't know well makes me nervous. I hope you aren't a weenie like me.

    1. Ha! Welcome to the weenie club. There aren't many things I "weenie" out on, but like most of us, driving in snow and ice is a big one.
      Yesterday I applied for a job that looked like they had me in mind. I have my fingers crossed that I will be called for an interview.
      ***Thanks for stopping by, and posting a comment!

  2. We don't celebrate "our" Christmas (exchange of gifts between me and MY WIFE) until January 6th (Epiphany), so we don't put up our tree until a few days before the 25th.

    Here's to a wonderful 2015 for you and yours!

    1. Well, have fun! Is this a tradition of your family or hers? Just curious, I've never known anyone who does it that way. On the plus side, I bet you can get some awesome deals if you wait to shop.....hmmm, an idea for next year!
      I hope the next earthly revolution around the sun is prosperous and joyful for you as well!


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