December 4, 2016

I sent a letter....but not to Santa.

My coworker is warming up a frozen cake.....she was hungry....and it's cake

What a week.  It started off rather snarky, but morphed into a more "normal" (what ever that is) routine.  Actually it improved after the OM left for her month long trip to India.  (and yes, I agree, that a month in India might be 28 days too long)  

I wrote a letter to the Dean of Students, the Dean of the Arts & Sciences, and the Provost of UNM.  The main point of the letter:

It has been my experience that UNM does not value the working, non-traditional student, which is exclusionary despite a policy of inclusion.    

.....the impetus for the letter?  A history class I registered for the spring.  The following weekend after registration I received an e-mail that "a class you registered for doesn't actually exist", and you will need to re-register for the class which ~ instead of being from 5pm to 7:30 on Tuesdays, it will now be on Tues & Thurs from 11am to 12:15.  This change in the schedule puts the class out of my reach as far as work goes, and this class was basically the cornerstone of my spring schedule.  Frack.  On the plus side, the 8 week course in history, which I was wait-listed on, opened up and I was able to get in.  I am both excited and terrified ~ this is a full 3 credit course, which means I will be extremely busy for 8 weeks.  

     I did receive a response the next day from the Dean of Arts & Sciences ~ who is apparently the head honcho for the history department ~ he simply asked me how many hours I need in history, and a day later I received an e-mail from the head honcho of the history department.  Part of her e-mail included this statement:

     I will also make note that while 4pm is technically the beginning of the EWDP offerings, we must be aware classes after 5pm are better for most students.  According to the registrar, the new on-pattern start times for classes for EWDP are: 4pm, 5:30pm, and 7pm.

Well, that's nice.  I wish I knew what EWDP means.  I tried to google it and came up with nothing.  I think e=evening and w=weekend (although the only weekend classes I've ever seen were exercise classes).  D & P?  Your guess is as good as mine.  And although they have classes that start at 4pm and 5:30pm, I've never seen a class in history that starts at 7:30.  Not sure I would take one, as I would probably nod off about 8.  ha ha  At any rate, I wish I had written this letter two years ago.  Although I still have my doubts how much of a difference it will make in the class schedule in the future.  Call me cynical.  

Someone posted this on apt.

Love, 365


  1. I'm a rather new reader - what are you taking?
    And I couldn't agree more with Mr.Winter here. My favorite cities in the US are all cities with 4 seasons and cold. Why don't I love Florida or California for petes sake? What the hell is wrong with me? Wait, you don't have the time to answer that.

    1. My degree will be in anthropology, and mostly I need history classes to finish.
      And although I did move to Albuquerque from San Antonio, and I do like having 4 seasons, winter is my least favorite. Especially now that I'm a bit old for snowboarding now...ha ha

  2. I'm glad someone read your letter.
    Sometimes speaking up actually works.

    Not when you're working for a Fluffy, but sometimes. :)

    I love taking three or four letters, putting them on our magnetic white board and seeing what the kids come up with. Keeps us amused for quite awhile.

    So let's see.

    Ewes will drive Porsches.
    Eating weird dark Piranhas.
    Your turn. :)

    1. hmmmm, lets see. early warning drill program OR (I found it) evening weekend degree programs ~ something UNM doesn't possess.


Oh Christmas, how you vexed me this year.....

  I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I bought this multi planted Christmas cactus, now I'll see if I can keep it alive :-) Ha...