March 20, 2017

Here we go.....

Texas sunrise

Don't ask me why I'm wasting my time blogging, when I need to finish an assignment, and put my pack together for the new class that starts today.  I guess I just need a "warm up"!  

Last week was spring break at UNM...I had all these plans of organizing and catching up with note taking, and I didn't do any of that.  I justified it by telling myself that I really did need a break before the craziness of the new class starts.  I might kick myself later, or be glad I took that little break.  Seriously, today is the first time I've turned my computer on for a week.  

And the computer was a bit snarky this morning too.....I think I forgot to turn it off, and put it on sleep because the intention was that I would be getting back to it soon.  So, the battery was down to nothing and it always takes awhile to come on when I do's never intentional, but it happens once or twice a year.

Feeling a little foggy....

Although I have been trying to be mindful about maintaining a certain level of activity, I do have an annoying issue right ear is plugged up, and has been for about 4 days now.  I have been noticing that I have been developing a bit of tinnitus, it is louder in the plugged up ear.  Which is probably allergy related, but geez, I wish it would open up's driving me nuts, and I can't hear as well.  Suppose I will sit toward the front of the class today so that I can hear what the prof. is saying.

I did find two classes I can take this summer, which is the semester I was most worried about.  There just aren't as many classes available, and I do want to continue with my goal of two classes per semester.  One class is every Friday, so, without saying anything to anyone at work, I quietly put in for two Friday's off (I'm already off every other Friday).  The only class I can't make it to is the last one.  I figure I will let the professor know after 2 weeks, and make sure I can submit any assignments due that day early.  Of course, this is assuming that I will get into the class.  I've noticed that 3 credit classes that are "short" (like the history class that starts today, which is 8 weeks instead of 16) are really popular.  So, there's always the possibility I won't get in.  All I can do is try, and then make plans if I don't.

Otherwise, things keep rolling along.  Romeo is really happy to have his spring break this week.  I know he has a list of things to do (and none of it is from me), but I figure he will do about half of it.  He's always underestimating how long it will take to get things done....don't we all??

If you're on spring break, enjoy!
Love, 365


  1. I am taking a little break, more on that later in the week, but official Spring Break doesn't start until the 27th. Like you, I have a list. And probably also like you, I won't manage to get anything done. Ah well.

    Good luck with getting into the class(es) you want.

    1. I hope all is, taking a break? I think the world might end, lol.
      Luckily it's not my list, but Romeo's. Right now he's asleep in the living room, ha ha.
      About the class, I'm counting on most students being out for the summer, so less competition. I also learned my lesson about registering at 5am not being good enough, so I'll probably stay up until midnight so I can register at 12:01. Ugh.


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...