March 2, 2017's been a tough week.

Petrified clam...

I have been cognizant of the fact that my current class requires tons (100 pages the week before last), and then writing a decent assignment nearly every week.  You probably have already read how excited I get when I have to write.  Yep.  Last week I was on vacation, and was able to postpone the assignment until today (4 days late, technically).  I finished it a few minutes ago.  Not too bad, considering I haven't finished my notes on the second video lecture.  Luckily I have spring break coming up beginning on March 12. Instead of catching up on tv, or embarking on a small project, I will be catching up on my notes and organizing my notebooks, because on the 20th, my history class starts.  I am already concerned about how to manage both classes, knowing how much reading I have to do for one, and I just realized I haven't purchased the book for history.  Crap.

I enjoyed my time with the family though.  And although Romeo and I have been talking about moving back to Texas after retirement, I have serious reservations now that I have experienced the traffic both in Austin (notoriously known for how horrid it is) and San Antonio.  After I texted him that I arrived, but I don't know if I could deal with the traffic if we decide to move back, he replied that perhaps we would have to be way, way out of town.  But the sad part is, that even if we do, there will be occassions where we would have to drive in either of these places.  I'm so spoiled with Albuquerque traffic......even though I've bitched about it in the past (& probably will do again, lol), we just don't have anywhere near the population in either of those places.  And that's the thing ~ it's the sheer number of cars on the road.  
~I would miss having the mountains just behind our house.  And the four seasons.  I don't know if I can give it all up, even though I know that it would be great to be near family.  And son #2 is planning on moving to Austin in April.  So it would just be Romeo and I here in New Mexico.  I guess I will not fret about it and just see how things go.  It will be at least 4 more years before we would be ready for retirement, so it's not like we have to decide right now....but the older one gets, the less exciting it would be to move that distance.  Ugh.  

Love, 365


  1. I love to write. Although lately I haven't taken the time to write much, it just seems like too much of a chore at the end of the day.

    Retire AND move? Both of those ideas fill me with dread.
    And yes, traffic SUCKS!!!!

    1. Moving after retirement is fairly common around here. Usually it's the grandparents who want to live near their kids and grandkids. Many here move to Phoenix, where the summers are ungodly hot. No thanks. But even though we have done a fair job of keeping unused stuff out, it's still daunting.

  2. I love moving. I have moved so many times and this is the longest I have ever lived anywhere - even my hometown and I'm itching to move. My husband is another story though. I don't think I'll ever get to retire I'm jealous! :-)

    1. There's talk in the office of the senior dentist retiring in 4 years, and I doubt I will find another position at my age....otherwise I'm not really planning to quit working, unless it's to work part time!

  3. Moving is not fun while it is happening, but afterwards, the most beautiful relaxation can set in...

    1. I have moved many times. Even as a kid, being in a military family, we moved often (and to places far far from here). Some years ago I calculated how many times I moved per year from the age of 18 to 25. I don't recall the number, perhaps as many as 3? Of course you can relax after ~ then the work is done.

  4. You might try out approach. We refused to move to Tulsa, where the wife's daughter lived, so she finally gave up and moved to Arizona, where we live. Problem solved!

    1. Not a bad idea, but Mom will never move (I asked her 12 years ago, and a few times since). Because we are the odd ones out ~ every one else lives in San Antonio/Austin/Comfort ~ logic dictates we would have to be the movers. :-(


Oh Christmas, how you vexed me this year.....

  I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I bought this multi planted Christmas cactus, now I'll see if I can keep it alive :-) Ha...