September 2, 2019

If at first.....

I am trying a new artisan sourdough recipe today ~ I noticed the you tube video and thought, wow, that looks really easy!  So, it is in it's final rise today.  I will add the pic after it comes out of the oven, and give a taste review.  One of the things I liked about this recipe is that it's for one loaf, so I don't waste a lot of rather expensive bread flour to make it.  And 2 loaves is just a bit too much to make weekly, which became obvious after the second of two loaves I made recently ended up growing some mold.

It is still high summer here, although to be fair, we had a very long and cool spring.  I am looking forward to my favorite ~ and our shortest ~ season: fall.  Where the temp's are in the 70s and 80s and it's really just so perfect outside that you only go in when you have to.  Or, you're working.  I have a little bonus today, since this is our normal workday.  Since next weekend is my 4-day-weekend, I will enjoy a short work week this week.  I have a very odd schedule.  Tuesday - Friday, then Monday - Thursday.   Repeat.  So I have 4 days off every other weekend.  Although I love love love the 4 days off, I'm not sure if it would be better to have a 3 day weekend each time, or do this crazy every other thing.  When I first started working at this office we were off every Friday, but because we have quite a few patients who work at Sandia Nat'l Labs who are off every other Friday, it was decided to accommodate them.  So there ya go.

Otherwise, all is going along.  I have just shy of 3 weeks before my trip to Texas....which seems like a very long time considering I was originally supposed to be there right now.  At the end of October we'll be spending a few days at a cabin in Jemez.  I am really excited about this trip for the reasons below:

I foresee long dog walks, barbecue, beer, and reading on the agenda. Because Romeo doesn't want to board the dog, I had to find a place where dogs are welcomed.  And at a mere $10 extra for the dog, it's a bargain.

Well, I better go preheat the oven!

Love, 365


  1. Thank you so much for visiting my Blog. It's great to see you.

    I am not good at all in the kitchen. The only one in the family who appreciates my cooking is the dog. Wishing you a wonderful holiday in Texas.

    God bless.

    1. I forgot all about the picture until today. But the bread came out "muy fabuloso!"

  2. That looks like a relaxing place, glad you can take the dog, dogs need a change sometimes too.

    1. Yes, it's great to be able to take the dog. I either have to fight with Romeo in order to board the dog ~ which requires a whole new set of kennel cough vaccinations. Recently we had a story on the news that kennel cough is making the rounds at dog parks and doggie day cares around town. What I really want to do it go to a national park (like Yosemite), none of which allow dogs around unless they are in their kennel. Compromises are sometimes a real bitch.


Oh Christmas, how you vexed me this year.....

  I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!  I bought this multi planted Christmas cactus, now I'll see if I can keep it alive :-) Ha...