April 30, 2020

Happy one minute, sad the next......

Today started out with such promise.  Everything was going good ~ we made it to Costco just as the special time period for seniors ended, which didn't matter since the store was very quiet.  We snagged toilet paper, paper towels, and almost everything I was looking for.  Except for unsalted butter.  What the heck?  Nothing but salted butter, not that there's anything wrong with it, but for my baking I prefer unsalted.  Meh.  I'll get it next time, or at my local grocery store. 

I planted my teeny tiny garden.  My hollyhocks have grown to the point that they take up about 1/4 of the space....but they are so beautiful, no way am I taking those out.  This is what they looked like last year...

Then I watered the heck out of it all because I haven't had anything planted in the garden space for two years, and it was dry as a ball of cotton.  And, later that afternoon, it was looking great.  Nothing was wilted.  And then the dog went out and jumped right on it.  She didn't really ruin anything, just trampled one of the marigold's.  I was mad.   Romeo then reminded me that I forgot to buy something to keep her out, said he would go to Lowe's tomorrow morning to buy something and grumbled that he was missing out on his workouts.  Then I said "ditto" and that was that.  He took out the dog, and I took that opportunity to retreat to my office.  Oh, neither of us was really that mad.  It's like the sticker you step on in your freshly vacuumed carpet.  It's annoying for a bit, then you get on with things.......

I suppose that my uti isn't helping since the antibiotic makes me feel headachey and yucky.  I'm glad I only have a few more days to take it.   When I don't feel great, I am cranky.  I hadn't had one in a couple of years.  The doctor did call in the meds for me, but they wanted me to go to the lab to have it tested to make sure it's not resistant to the antibiotic, but I didn't .  I just don't want to go to a hospital, or lab, or any place like that right now.  So, if it doesn't clear it up I'll go, but I think it will do the job.  Funny, my bosses wife had one the week before ~ maybe it's all the sitting and not drinking enough water?   I suppose it's as good a reason as any. 

How tired we all are of being locked up at home.  Sure, we have projects, and laundry and dinner to fix.  But we are wishing we could go get our hair cut, or our toes painted, or have dinner out.  We are chomping at the bit to do something we used to do.  Knowing that it could happen soon, in a few weeks or maybe a month is making us antsy.  Ready to get out there!  For now, we still need to stay at home.  Maybe my Doc would be willing to prescribe me something that would make it more fun? 

Love, 365


  1. Hope you're feeling better now. Umm a good walk with the dog might help lol
    Glad your supermarket is more less back to normal.
    We are allowed out again on may 4 but cafes and tavernas will still be closed. I want to do some people watching.
    Wishing you all the best and quick end to lockdown

    1. Yes, I hope it all end soon. And I did take a walk this morning where I learned that I will need to get out earlier to avoid the heat! I only have two more antibiotics tabs to take, I'll be glad to be done with those.

      A little people watching would be nice! Yesterday we had pizza, it was nice to eat someone else's cooking too.....take care!

  2. Funny how marigolds keep deer and others away but not dogs. :-) My dog wouldn't bother anything that had a lemon scent on it. She hates lemon or limes! How cool that your Costco was fully stocked. Ours is not even close!

    1. I wouldn't say it's completely stocked ~ there was the usual list of item they were out of, but luckily those things weren't on our list!

      I really don't have a good reason to be mad at Sioux, she has been getting into it for the past year....just because we planted isn't any reason for her to stay out!

  3. Here's to hoping to a better day tomorrow. Today was Phase 1 of the re-opening in Idaho and I was able to visit a few places that had been closed since mid-March and that definitely helped improve my mood. I still have to wait 2.5 weeks for my barber to open and I have no idea when the gym is going to take a shot at opening. Take care.

  4. We're still unable to find some things at the store.

    I like using unsalted butter, too. I actually prefer it for everything except for artichokes. I like a little salt in the butter for those.

    The medication they gave me last time I had one of those infections made me sicker than hell. Cipro and all the drugs in that family are really horrible for some people. Long story, but my mom's been sick for a LONG time because of that stuff. Be careful if that's what they give ya.

    I don't want to get 'out there' but I do miss my kids and my job. I know how weird that is. But it's true.

  5. Prescribing something that would make it more Fun had me rolling. Mostly because The Man and I drove by one of those Medicinal MJ Establishments Today and he said mebbe it's the Right time to get some Edibles and see if it's therapeutic for... whatever... and we Laughed, but in a way, I knew he was a little bit Serious... and I could be too right now. *Smiles* It is quite the Emotional Rollercoaster during Pandemic, Emotional Regulation for just about everyone right now is dicey.


Happy Anniversary to us, and to Peg and Rick :-)

  Our anniversary (the first one, lol) is Dec. 1.  We rarely remember it.  It occurred to me a week later, and Romeo didn't even recall ...