I don't recall if I mentioned that I finally broke down and bought a new sewing machine. I had never heard of Elna, which is a Swiss brand, which is manufactured in Taiwan. Go figure. Anyway, I previously had a really ancient Singer, that was once my Mom's. And that machine was made from 1985-1988. Translation: old, but the darn thing still works fairly well. It does need a tune up, but that would probably cost $150 or so. My sister, who is an accomplished sewer, suggested it was time for a new machine. Romeo thought so too. So, now I have a new machine and an old one that I need to give away. I want to give it to someone who doesn't have one, and would like to have it for minor sewing projects. It'll take a bit of investigation to find someone to give the old one to. I have it all, the bobbins, instruction booklet, accessories. Oh, yeah, I need to look for those and package them up.
The funny part of all this was me trying to figure out how to do simple things, like fill a bobbin and use the fancy self-threading device, and how you're supposed to change the sewing foot. I failed at all three before I took my basics class today. Although I did finally get the sewing foot on successfully once. :D Now I have been instructed. Hopefully I will remember how to do it next weekend. Things have changed a lot in 33-35 years.
I also had an ultrasound of my upper abdomen. My doc wants to see if there's some issue with my kidneys that is causing the constant uti's. I had also asked her if she thought my liver was enlarged, so they scanned it too. I should hear something in 3-4 days. Hopefully all is minor or negative. Once you've had a cancer diagnosis, everything is possibly cancer. Better not, dang it. Better not. As far as the liver is concerned, I can't blame it on drinking....I only have a driink a few times a year. Romeo doesn't like to drink (alcoholic Mom), so I just don't, even though there are times when I'd like to have a little something after work. I am not really a wine drinker, but I do like beer, margaritas, the occasional martini. So, send those good vibes my way, would ya?
I hope y'all have a great week!
Love, 365
Fingers all crossed for you. Enjoy the Elna. I didn't know that brand was still out there. When I acquired a bernina more modern than my late 70s Singer (my leaving home gift from my parents) i couldn't part with the Singer. So i use both. They get used for different jobs but in all honesty i still prefer the older sturdier Singer (especially for patckworking and quilting.)