July 27, 2023

Per Peggy: My Big Fat Greek Fight Over Butter.......the aftermath...

 Neither of the ladies in question came today.  Big sigh of relief for us all, haha.  I did hear a story that #1 grabbed #2's arms and left welts.  Personally I think that's a bunch of crap.  Ugh.  

So true!


About a month ago, I received both a jury summons and my colonoscopy prep kit on the same day in the mail.  Seems entirely appropriate and so funny.  

I haven't had a colonoscopy in 14 years or so.  My doctor insisted.  I still don't wanna.  Everyone says the prep is the worst part.  Which would be true except I always get sick after anesthesia.  Last time I had one, I felt nauseated as usual, so I had Romeo go get the car while I went to the restroom to throw up.  As it turned out, dry heaving while bent over releases all the gas they pump into you, so I had the longest fart ever.....it just went on and on, and I stated laughing, which released even more.  Tears, y'all, I was laughing so hard, tears squirted out of my eyes.  Romeo thought I was upset until I told him what happened in that bathroom.  My only regret was there wasn't anyone else in there to share in the hilarity.  :-)

I hate jury duty too, but not quite as much as having a colonoscopy.  I've been on juries before ~ oh are they boring.  At least while in the room waiting to see if they call my name, I can read something.  

One of the dentists I used to work for got out of jury duty after they asked him what books he reads, and his reply: the bible.
Sadly this is too true.  

Love, 365

July 26, 2023

I think I have ADHD......


I made an appointment to apply for my passport with USPS.  There's an online site where you do this.  I did that, but I think I never hit the submit button, so when I went today, they said they didn't have me on the list.  Oh, I was so mad at myself.  What a dumb ass I can be.  I did go online again, and scheduled again, and wrote down my confirmation number.  That will be two weeks from now.  I guess eveyone is eager to get out there, because I've heard that it takes a long time to get it.  But since I won't be traveling until around March/April next year, it doesn't matter much to me.  So, leave that slimy trail as long as you want, Mr. Snail, and I'll give you a snack when you get here.  :-)

Yesterday we had a bit of drama at festival baking.  Two ladies just don't like each other.  This has been going on for years.  One is super sweet, a really hard worker.  The other comes in late, does a little bit of work, always demands coffee be ready, and always eats whatever is out for lunch before leaving.  

I dare you to guess which one is the trouble maker. 

Lady #1 doesn't like to make baklava (and who can blame her, I don't like it either) so she takes charge of the melted butter (you wouldn't believe how much butter we use to make baklava).  She clarifies it, which is the correct way to make baklava.  Clarified butter means that it will stay fresh longer.  Lady #2 had a minor hissy fit last week and stated "I'm not making baklava with that, it looks like oil, not butter".  So she did do other things.  But I thought she was being childish.  And the chef ~ the one who went to culinary school, and is in charge of it ~ should have stepped up right then and there and explained why using clarified butter is the way to go.  

Yesterday, lady #2 came early and insisted she will be taking care of the butter.  Lady #1 told me later that she dropped the f bomb when they were "discussing" it.  So, the sweet lady left, really upset, and she said she isn't coming back.  Ugh.  Are we adults or children?  It was really hard to keep my thoughts to myself.  But I don't want to get in the middle of it.  I just want to go in, do my stuff, and go home.  I had enough of that sort of behavior when I was working.  

We go back tomorrow...I hope the chef in charge explains to Lady #2 how her behavior lost us one of our best volunteers.

Love, 365

July 24, 2023

Baking for the Greek Festival.....


I was looking at the ad for this year's Greek Festival, and there I am in the light blue shirt handing a buyer her purchase.  Haha  

So much goes into the baking.  Baklava, baklava cheesecake, koulourakia, kourabiedes, paximadia, tsoureki.  The first few months are all baklava and the cheesecake, because they can be frozen long term without much change to the texture and taste.  As we cut and bake it all, the crispy ends are saved for the booth that sells baklava sundaes.  

The tsoureki is baked last, and sells out quickly.  Every year there are women that come on the first day of the festival and load up their bags with paxi and tsoureki.  One lady that comes every year buys 15-20 bags of paximadia that she gives out as gifts at Christmas.  She must have a good size freezer!

All in all, Philoptokos (a women's philanthropic group) makes quite a bit of money during the festival, which helps fund both our regular donations to non-profits and other needs that come up.  

It's a rather large commitment to the baking schedule, which is every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 12:30-4 or longer and sometimes shorter.  

Have a great week, even though it's going to hot enough to cook an egg on your driveway :-)

Love, 365

July 22, 2023

More Birthdays ! ...............


This is my grandson, enjoying cake on his 4th birthday.  He is so cute, I just can't stand it.

Frank with his brothers ~ these are my daughter-in-law's two boys from her previous relationship.  They are cute too....their Mom is a beautiful lady.  The middle son on the left in the photo only has eyes for the cake, lol.

I had sent gifts that arrived on July 9th, but unbeknownst to me, they were stolen off their porch.  Amazon refunded me, and I sent them again.  I should have texted when it would arrive, I suppose I have become complacent.  I figured they would call or text when it came, which alerted me there was a problem!  Sigh.  

This September I'm attending my 50th HS reunion.  It will be the last one I go to ~ or at least the last one I plan to go to.  It will be at the end of September, so will still be hot and humid for sure.  I plan to see my kids and my sister.  I hope to have some fun, and I'm sure it will be.  Anything is fun after a few beers!

Today has been nice, the high reached only 94f.  We had over 7 days of 100+, as I'm sure many of you have had too.  I do love summer, but baking has been torture.  I finally decided to put things away for awhile until it cools down a little. I do have communion bread I must bake, so I got up at 5am this morning to do it and was done by a bit after 9.  I really don't want to get up that early all the time.  

Stay cool everyone!

Love, 365

July 14, 2023

Happy Birthday Demitri.....

Oh boy!  Cake!


We went out for a walk early this morning and handed out blueberry muffins from Three Dog Bakery.  One of Demitri's friends, Fin fell in love with them.  I went to give one to Demitri and Fin snatched it as quick as you can say muffins :-)   All the doggies enjoyed them.  I also bought the cake you see in the photo, so cute.  I'd say they do a great business because everyone knew Three Dog Bakery, and most said that's where they go for doggie birthday treats.

He is 1 year old today, and we hope to enjoy many more.   

Getting ready to take a big bite!

The birthday cake toy!

Have a great weekend everyone, and if you're in the way of this heat wave, stay cool!

Love, 365

July 9, 2023

I've got practically nothing.........

It looks so lush and green, doesn't it?  This is one of the parks near our house.  I was trying to get a decent photo of the cottonwood fuzzies ~ it looked like it was snowing.  


I love the flower, it's so pretty!  But as with other pretty things, it can be prickly.

My tomato plants are doing well, but that's because I water them every day.  Coming up, I might have to start watering twice a day.  100+ for the next 7 days.

One of my teeny bell peppers.  Once they get to this point they grow really fast, but I know it'll take awhile before I pick one.  

I did bake two of the lemon-blueberry sourdough loaves.  We kept one and sold the other.  It's such a great recipe, and ~ so far ~ always comes out great.  

It's just too hot to do anything!  Agreed....

Love, 365

It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...