April 3, 2024

Preparing for summer....


This is a banner day for us ~ we're having our new heating/ac system installed.  We will be ready for summer, without the issues that evaporative cooling has: climbing on the roof to prepare, replacing the pads mid-summer, and that oh so wonderful ~ and usually the hottest day of the year! ~ day when the water pump goes out requiring an emergency run to the hardware store and an uncomfortable hour on the roof to install.  Romeo is thrilled ~ and has been hanging out while they are working, which I'm sure they love, haha.

Installation comes with it's downsides though, like lots of noise.  Demitri is doing ok, but poor Zoē is not.  I finally broke down and gave her a sedation pill (left over from her spay) to calm her down.  She was shaking and terrified.  After holding her for an hour or so, she is now in one of her favorite spots (see photo above).  I guess the pill finally did it's job.  Wish I could tell her it's going to be going on all day! 

This morning I also had the unpleasant notification that the company that finances our funeral arrangements made a rather large boo boo and removed over $1,000 more from our account than is necessary.  I called them earlier, and 2 hours later I'm still waiting for them to call me back.  The lady said that if we're doing 90 days same-as-cash I need to call ~ which I fully intended to do, but they were closed for Good Friday.  I also mentioned that I had expected a call from them, which never happened.  I'm sure it'll all be good, but Romeo is rather peeved.  Argh. 

Well, I guess I will try to get something done other than hold the puppy's paw and tell her it's ok.  

Love, 365


  1. It's so difficult when our pets are frightened isn't it? Gosh I hope the pill works until they are done. But yippee for central air come summer. It's 86-87 since March 31st. But thankfully it will be in the 60s tomorrow as it should be this time of year. I'm awaiting a call back too and I wish to God I could be as laissez-faire in paying them!

    1. Well, they didn't call me back, I had to call. How typical.
      Zoē is still kind of jumpy to loud noises, but I think it will fade in another week.
      Yes, Romeo is really looking forward to the central air!

  2. Poor puppy - I hope the transformation in the heating/air con is worth it in the end and she will probably enjoy it too then. My brother's two would have been under the feet of the installers all day!

    1. Demitri did hang out with them when they came inside to install the thermostat, but Zoē is a bit more leery of strangers.

  3. Thank goodness for sedation pills. Must be terrible for her...and you. It will be terrific to have good ac though. Imagine your summers would be unbearable without it.
    Good luck with the wait

    1. We are so glad it's all done! If our house was just one story, it wouldn't be so bad, but the upstairs ~ where all the bedrooms are ~ can be unbearable. Looking forward to cool nights!

  4. Hope the noise and process is over soon so Zoe can resume her normal activities. And that is rather large boo boo by the company.

  5. Just one more proof that funerals are a rip off. Could you maybe send me some sedation? I could use it after this past week.


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...