April 13, 2024

Spring has sprung, let the gardening begin....


This show of blooms was just the beginning! Of course they smell amazing, and all the pollinators think so too. Windows and back door open to catch that scent inside.  Unfortunately they don't do well as cut flowers.

I finally had my colonoscopy, and everything was fine.  I didn't even get sick after from the anesthesia.  The woman who did my anesthesia is a patient at the dental office I worked at.  It's a really small world out here in New Mexico!  Next week I have a mammography scheduled and a teeth cleaning.  

I sound like I'm old....oh, wait....

I need to go water grass and plant a few seeds!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Love, 365


  1. Oh those looks so beautiful.! I can smell it from here! I have a mammogram next week too. Yipee!

    1. The wisteria grows against the cinder block fence (yep, that's what we mostly have here) and falls over the edge to a spectacular display of blooms. This year it has bloomed beautifully!
      I have noticed that they don't quite squeeze the girls as much as they used to ~ at least there's that. :-)

  2. Good news on the colonoscopy. Well done for being brave and getting it done. I had a mammogram recently and it didn't hurt. No great pressing of breasts. The new machines are much gentler, though they still have to press.
    The wisteria is gorgeous. I haven't seen our neighbourhood hedge this year because I'm not walking this winter

    1. Yeah! I was just mentioning that to Peg, that they don't squeeze as much. It's quick, so that's good too. I was glad to put it behind me for another year. Thank you for calling me brave. Actually, I was berating myself for being such a coward.
      The wisteria is doing so well. We need to repeat the trimming we did at the end of January as we did this year...it made a big difference in the number and size of the blooms.


Happy Anniversary to us, and to Peg and Rick :-)

  Our anniversary (the first one, lol) is Dec. 1.  We rarely remember it.  It occurred to me a week later, and Romeo didn't even recall ...