A reasonable faxsimile of my treadmill.....
It cost about what I expected.....so I'm satisfied. BUT ~ when he came in and started it
it started....wtf?
I did try it again, the day after I tried it the first time and it didn't go. I tested the little magnet thingy that you're supposed to clip to your shirt, so that if you fall off....(go here for a laugh)...it stops the machine. Well, I tried any number of things ~ like hitting the stop button, etc. ~ but I couldn't get it to go. Ah well, perhaps the universe is trying to tell me that, yes, it needs maintenance. I've probably had it for 5 years, and it's supposed to have said maintenance once a year. So....I slacked a bit. Ha ha........
Tomorrow, class starts, and I suppose I'm ready although I don't have my notebook put together yet. I suppose I'll do that today, and check that I have enough ink in my printer as I'll probably have to print a bunch of stuff. There's always a feeling of hope when a new semester starts that your classes will be interesting and engaging instead of just a list of shit you have to read and be tested on.....
Well, hope you all have a lovely day! I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy.
Love, 365
Thanks for those 10 treadmill fails. Now I know why I avoid them like the plague! :D