October 10, 2019

Taking Friday off.....

You've got to see the photos I stole off of Facebook this week...
Amazing stuff from talented people here in New Mexico!

Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness  

Drat, I forget where this one was taken.  Outside of Las Cruces maybe?

Yes, it's the International Balloon Fiesta.....this was taken in Corrales.

Believe me, the Rio Grande looks much more "grand" from the air than it does on the banks, haha.

On Tuesday morning as I was getting ready for work, I thought about taking Friday off.  I was happy to discover that my boss decided on Monday to take Friday off too ~ he has family coming in for the Balloon Fiesta.  So I was able to take it off too.  But I'm not interested in getting up at 3:30 am to be at the park by 4:30.  I have plenty of photos ~ most not as great as the two you see here, but I have many.  I will play racquetball tomorrow and then do laundry and whatever else strikes my fancy.  

The cold I caught on the plane is gone ~ or is it?  I think it has, but my allergies have kicked up, so it's a bit hard to tell.  Flu season has started here too, had a patient who cancelled today because she said she has had the flu for three days.  So, why not call at least two days ago (or even yesterday??) to let us know instead of telling me when I called at 5 minutes after she was due?  People make me crazy.

In about 10 days Romeo and I ~ and the dog of course ~ will be spending a couple of nights in the Jemez mountains.  Hopefully I will get some great photos!  I would have preferred to have taken the digital camera class before this trip, but the lady who teaches the class had surgery and is just now back to teaching.  The nice thing about digital is you can play around and just delete if it doesn't look how you hoped.  But I do want to learn how to take long exposure night photos ~ something I never quite got the hang of back in my film days.

One of my best friends is a flake.  I love her anyway, and I've written about her before ~ the constant canceller (I should nickname her CC for short, haha).  We had a get together scheduled for 2 weeks ago, rescheduled for today, and now rescheduled for next week.  It's OK though.  She's so guilty now there's no way she'll cancel next week........or will she?  Lol.  She has a lot on her plate, so I understand.  It's taken me 15 years to get used to "letting it go" when she cancels.  She really is a lovely person, just flaky.  When we do schedule something I usually put together a plan B just in case.  

I hope you enjoy the photos and your weekend!
Love, 365


  1. Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your day off. I have a friend who is down in your area for the hot air balloon festival. I had no idea it was such a big deal. Take care.

    1. Oh, it is a very huge deal!! Balloonists and visitors come from all over the world to participate and enjoy the balloons. Apparently Albuquerque's fiesta is one of the only ones where people can walk on the field balloons. You can even participate by helping hold the envelope during the cold inflate.

      Have a great weekend....and try to come sometime! It's amazing!

  2. Those are stunning photographs. You live in a beautiful area. We've visited all around there, but we've never been to the area around where you live. It's on our bucket list.


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...