June 5, 2021

Takin it in the shorts.......


Lol, it is getting hot.  When I spied this meme I knew I had to add it to today's blog post.  

I'm also watching a History channel documentary on all of the worst cult's we've seen in the US...sure, sure, it's so very uplifting.  But quite interesting.  Romeo doesn't want to watch anything that he describes as "dark".  It's the one thing I find so annoying is to hear him say "wow, that's a bit dark, isn't it?".  

I am not squeamish.  I can watch all day long ~ I just can't do anything that might cause someone pain, like give shots.  Which is how I ended up working in dentistry instead of a nice doctor's pediatric practice (he wanted me to give the babies their vaccines).  Funny how one 20 minute experience changed my life from working in medicine to dentistry instead.

We are going to have a pretty hot week here.  The a/c is running more often than it's not.  But I do love summer, and all that goes with it....like:

I love flip flops ~ not the super cheap ones that wear out in a week, but this is my footwear of choice for the entire season.  

Thanks to this luscious fruit, I always drop a pound or two eating as much as I can get.  But I am a watermelon snob.  It must be the old fashioned seeded melons, which taste better then the seedless.  Plus, it's fun to spit out the seeds, or have a competition.  


I'm sure there's a weather related reason why, but our sunrises during the summer generally start out pink and orange ~ it always reminds me of a Renaissance painting.

What's your favorite thing about summer?

Love, 365


  1. I do like watermelon in the summer; so refreshing! I'm trying to think of one favorite thing about summer but I live in Phoenix, Arizona where summers are HOT and begin in April and go to middle of November, but I'll say a bowl of ice cream or soft serve yogurt sure hits the spot when temps go over 110 degrees :)


    1. Oh wow, I know how hot Phoenix can be ~ I've visited a few times, once in July. It was so hot...you're right it should be HOT :D Ice cream or frozen yogurt sounds great!

  2. I love anything dark. It gets your imagination working overtime. I'm hooked on dogmen YouTube videos at the moment. Though nasty cults are a bit more serious, and real.
    I saw the first watermelons in the shops a few days ago. They'll be coming out of our ears soon. Love em too, and spitting the pips.
    I'm not looking forward to summer heat but flip flops and sandals are so much easier than having to put on socks and shoes.
    Enjoy the foot freedom

  3. The lack of snow. Temperatures above at least 75 every day. Reading about grilling (and never doing it.)

    1. Lol, I hear you on the grilling. I love it, but our backyard is on the west side of the house and it is so hot during the summer. We come in and out and hope we don't burn it.

  4. I could give shots, no problem...but not to a baby!

    1. Exactly! To have that cute face smile at you until ~ bam! ~ they go from happy to really unhappy in the space of a minute. Nope.

  5. For some reason that mountain at sunrise looks like Steens Mt. in SE Oregon.


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...