June 25, 2021

Party time!...


Yesterday one of our long employed hygienists retired....it was fun to go to a party after such a long dry spell!  It was fun, we all had a great time.  I was only a tiny bit jealous.  My time is  coming!  I am hoping for a year before it's my turn for a party!  

This has been a tiring week.  Spent all day Saturday (once again!) baking and preparing for the lunch after church, but it did take longer since we baked chocolate cakes for Father's Day.  Monday I went to the gym, Tuesday I went to my book club meeting, Wednesday ladies racquetball (that was fun!), Thursday the party.  In the meantime, I was diagnosed with yet another UTI.  The Rx was called in on Monday, but I didn't pick it up until yesterday.  

The pharmacy I use closes at 7 pm, and I didn't have a chance to get there before they closed.  Then yesterday morning, oh...the pain.  So I called the pharmacy and asked them to transfer it to one closer to work.  I took off at noon to pick it up, despite the fact there was a power outage.  Even though I called and they assured me the computers were still working, when I walked up to the store everyone was leaving and telling me the store was closed.  So, I had to go back an hour later.  It was the worst!  I took two, and by this morning I was doing much better.  Ugh.  I hate UTI's.  I think I will have to switch pharmacies if this crazy schedule keeps up.  

We have had patients constantly come in to the office without masks for the past two weeks.  Our state has opened up completely ~ which is great! ~ no masks at the store, or outside.  But the ADA and the CDC still want us to have patients (and ourselves) wear masks, and continue doing the screenings.  Did the same thing at the doctors office too.  And this is despite the sign on the door letting people know they still need one.  I have given out more masks than I did during the height of the pandemic.  =Sigh=

Life is slowly going back to normal.  

Love, 365


  1. Ick with the UTI! Have you tried taking cranberry pills? They are supposed to be great in helping prevent UTIs. That and plenty of water (you know all this I am sure).

    I had to laugh when I did my screening for work today. I had my mask on, but under my chin. I forgot to put it over my nose and mouth. When I was aligned with the machine to take my temperature, it said "please wear a mask". Of course I complied :)

    Sounds like you have been busy. Hopefully you can get a bit of rest this weekend.


    1. I do have cranberry pills, and it looks like I should add that to my daily dose of vitamins.
      We have had a little push back on the masks ~ most people "Oh! I forgot!", some people "Why?". Annoying. Just put the dang mask on and get over it!
      I did very little yesterday. Just a bit of laundry and baking, so I feel much better today, thank you!

  2. Hope you're over the infection fast. You've had a very busy week. It's so damn hot here I just look at what has to be done and expire.
    Roll on retirement!!

  3. Oh, I am so ready! But I have a few goals I want to meet before I pull that plug! We have had a very hot 10 days, but it's finally cooling down a little. I've been reading your blog awhile, and it sounds to me like you never stop :-)

  4. We are wilting over here in Greece. Tigger has gone like a limp rag. (How is Sioux by the way?) I don't think i could ever get used to this heat. The very worst would be to be feeling unwell at the same time, so you have all our sympathies for your week.

    1. At first I was going to say I wasn't looking for sympathy, but I guess I kinda was, huh? Lol. This week has been much better, thanks. Plus the drugs worked, and I no longer have a UTI. Whew.

  5. Everyone still makes you wear a mask to most places. But more and more are taking them off. Yes, we are fully open but I just think everyone is weary. I did go out to dinner with visiting family for the first time on the 2nd. It felt great but weird at the same time.
    I hate UTI's have gotten them more as an older person than ever before. Weird to me. But they are a pain!


Happy Anniversary to us, and to Peg and Rick :-)

  Our anniversary (the first one, lol) is Dec. 1.  We rarely remember it.  It occurred to me a week later, and Romeo didn't even recall ...