August 25, 2017

Gorilla or Guerilla.....things are just becoming ridiculous

This is Doug Adler.........

Doug is a tennis commentator.  While we are watching a match, he's one (of usually two) people that make comments on and critique plays of the two players in the match.  Apparently he made a comment about the style of play of Venus Williams during a match of the Australian Open earlier this year.  I don't recall the exact sentence, but the word guerilla was used, which social media and other misinterpreted as "gorilla".  Everyone went nuts.  Doug was fired.  Even though the company that fired him was well aware that guerilla (as in warfare, tactics) was a common word used to describe a particularly aggressive form of play on the court.  

I think we've all gone a little nuts.  I sense a lack of backbone from his previous employer and hope that Doug wins his lawsuit.  I looked for any response from Venus but found nothing.  

I might have to go to Whole Foods ~ formerly known as "whole paycheck" ~ beginning this coming Monday when Amazon takes over the company.  I never shop at Whole Foods unless there's an ingredient I can't find anywhere else.  Even my former boss (whom I call "asshole") complained when his wife would grocery shop there.  

Good news for those of us that have Amazon Prime ~ a staggering 50% of American's subscribe ~ will be able to take advantage of additional discounts when shopping there.  Another incentive to give Whole Foods another try, especially since it is on my way home from work.  
Did I go to a bakery?  Nope....

I took a vacation day yesterday, and my friend *Francis and I made rolls.  She is currently enrolled in culinary school and is poised to take a class on baking next semester.  In the meantime, she has launched a bread business ~ trust me that her bread is incredibly delicious ~ and works on a food truck, where her boss asked her to make kaiser rolls.  We also made three other types of rolls with the same dough.  It was a lot of fun, and the rolls turned out great.  I can't wait to do more baking with her in the future!  It's not easy to find a friend who is interested in baking, and we are both thrilled to find that we compliment each other in skills and ideas.  
School started this week.....on Tuesday, I was about 10 min late to class partly because I couldn't find a place to park (more on that in a minute) and I had written down the wrong room number.  I spoke to the professor after class to let her know of my circumstances, which she dismissed by telling me that if I am late and miss the quiz, it's a zero.  So much for consideration, huh?  I get it, she wants students to be on time, and my petty concerns are just that ~  but I can't control the traffic from work to class, so I guess I'll have to do my best and hope I'm not late on a quiz day, which are completely random and never announced in advance.  :(

Parking and driving near UNM on Tuesday at that time of day is totally out of control.  I was shocked at the chaos.....but then, I've never taken a class that starts this early (9:30).  My usual paid parking lot was completely full, and the traffic around UNM was so congested I ended up parking in lot C, which is reserved for employees.  I didn't care, I just needed to get to class on time, but next week I'll have to take that option off the table, as I don't want my car booted or towed.  I did find a parking garage close to class, I just need to find an efficient way to get there.  

All of my previous classes were no earlier than 11~11:30.  Lesson learned as I will have to leave even earlier than I had planned to get to class on time.....I plan on taking an online class next semester, so this won't be an issue.  I had hoped I could purchase a pass for lot C until I discovered that it is reserved for employees.  Drat.

Otherwise the class is interesting.  I'm not impressed by the lecturing style of the prof.  She starts a sentence and then goes on a tangent of a related topic.  There's a graduate student from Germany in the class who raises his hand for every single question.  It's funny to watch the professor try to ignore him....sometimes she states emphatically "let's hear from someone who hasn't commented yet".  He doesn't seem to get it though...I suppose he believes he has a real gem of a thought and we should hear it.  I swear, he really does keep his hand up nearly the entire 1 1/4 hour.  
Well, I have chores to do, and this is long enough, eh?

Love, 365

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