August 29, 2017

It's no wonder........

Bing images...

When I was a kid, Mom was pretty regular about taking us to church on Sunday.  Mostly we attended United Methodist churches, and for a brief period (where I think Mom had basically given up on the idea of religion, although that came back later) we went to a Baptist church that was close to our house.  Maybe Mom stayed home to watch over Dad.  He was not much of a gem ~ he was an alcoholic among other things, and had a regular tendency to disappear for a weekend, with Mom in the dark as to where he went or what he did (although it was an unspoken truth that we all knew he partied with his friends, and likely had affairs).

As a child, I never minded church, although it was mostly boring.  I enjoyed singing the hymns, and the communion once a month (why didn't they give us more bread ~ again ~ haha).  I loved the smell of the church, especially the older ones.  They smelled of old books, beeswax, and candles.  It's a very distinctive scent, similar to a library, but not.  Does that make sense?  

After becoming an adult (I use this term loosely, haha) I sometimes would attend  ~ maybe two or three times a year.  You know, Easter, Christmas, etc.  After Romeo and I moved to Albuquerque we tried to find a "church home", but were discouraged by every - single - one discussed tithing more than anything else.  It was a major turn off.  Religion is no different from the government.  You are punished if you don't give them enough of your hard earned money, and usually we were living paycheck to paycheck anyway.  At any rate, we quit going, and basically quit believing.  Romeo professes Buddism, but I just can't buy into that either.  Even Buddism has had its controversies and scandals.  Religion seems to be an ancient construct wherein someone has the upper hand which is always held out for money ~ you know, so they can "do good works" and all that.   I'm not saying that religious communities don't do a great deal of good, they do.  In fact, Catholic Charities is very highly regarded (from what I've heard) and is also a big one ~ #9 on the Forbes list.  

I didn't even know there was a Forbes list, I just found it on the internet.  :)

So, now I'm taking a history class on Catholicism in America.  I've already mentioned my sleepless night after some of the readings for the class.  They aren't alone with their not very christian actions of the past and the current.  All you have to do is pay attention.  I suppose I shouldn't take every negative news story to heart ~ after all, the news is (and hasn't been) interested in reporting the facts.  They have to put their own political and personal beliefs into the story, which leaves one not sure what is true and what isn't.  

Oh crap.  I forgot what the point of this disjointed and rambling rant is.  I suppose that I believe that we should:
~be kind 
~help those who need it
~refrain from lying or cheating or stealing 
~remain faithful and loyal (but not to the point of detriment to self, like staying with a spouse that cheats on you or beats you)
~raise your children to be decent human beings
~be humble
~have love in your heart, which kind of includes all the above

I don't need a church for that.  I already know it.

Love, 365


  1. This is a great post. I am not religious as in not belonging to an organized religion. I believe in a higher power. But I was raised Catholic and I rebelled.I have issues with that church as you said. I also believe more harm than good is done in the name of religion. After my 2nd back surgery I would walk to a library because I couldn't sit. I would grab a slew of books and go home and lay down and read. I read a book on religion and it was even more eye opening. How they believe in astrology until they realized they were losing the upper hand etc. It just makes me ill. I suppose if someone gets something positive out of it and strength good for them. As long as they do not bother me with it. I am a good person. As your list, it is mine and I feel that we can be that way and pass it on without the need for tithing or their rules and condemnation.

  2. Thanks Peggy...truthfully I was a bit hesitant to write it and your kind and sympathetic words leads me to believe that there are likely more of us than not. In class we have learned that attendance in all christian denominations is dropping like a stone. And you're right ~ there has been more killing in the name of religion than I can tolerate.
    I wanted to take the "History of Religion", but my co-workers wanted me to take an earlier in the day class....maybe I'll take it in the spring.
    Thanks for your reply!


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...