August 19, 2017

Wherever my thoughts take me.......


Recently we had an older lady come into the office for her teeth cleaning appointment.....all very routine.  Moments after she checked in with us I was completely over powered by her perfume.  I have a feeling it was "Youth Dew" which is ~ funny enough ~ very popular among the over 70 age group although this is based solely on my own observations.  What ever it was, I felt sorry for the temporary hygienist who was working for one of ours that was on vacation.  I am sitting 20 feet away and could barely tolerate it.....I can't imagine leaning over that person for an hour.  So, please consider that when you go to your dental appointments.  Not just perfume, but if you're a smoker, please don't smoke one right before you go in.  I know you pop in some gum or a mint before you step into the office, but the smell clings and can make non-smokers feel nauseated.  Just go to the gym for an epic work-out?  Please.....take a shower first.  Oh, you think I'm kidding?  Nope.  But trust me that a shower of perfume doesn't remove that smell.....just think of how it smells in the bathroom when you spray that air freshener.  *Now it smells like poop and flowers.  Nice.  
**************Brought to you by everyone who works in close proximity to humans, like hairdressers, nurses and doctors, masseuses, and the person who does your nails.  ************

Yep, Bing again....

It's either YAY!  or BOO! depending.  Believe it or not, lots of kids enjoy school ~ I enjoyed school but was still sad when we went back as it signaled the end of summer.  Who doesn't enjoy the freedom of summer break?  My sister and I loved it.  We never had camps or sitters after I turned 13. I suppose my Mom figured we had enough common sense to stay out of trouble.  :-)  

 Romeo started back on 8/2 where teachers perform various enchantments get their classrooms ready, discuss challenges, have meetings, sign their contracts and choose insurance options ~ all pretty boring stuff. Romeo was telling me that they have a new special education teacher, which was a relief to everyone.  Last years special ed teacher was fired because he didn't do anything.  Seriously, he probably played with his phone and tried to keep things quiet.  I don't really know the whole story, but after he was let go, the kids in that program were placed in regular class rooms, which made teaching the other kids rather difficult.  The new special ed teacher is apparently very accomplished and had to take a major pay-cut, making me wonder how long he will stay.  I suppose that it depends on how necessary money is.  Romeo took a major cut in pay when he started teaching, but is happy enough that he recently mentioned he had no interest in going corporate ever again.   

My class starts on Tuesday ~ a history class ~ "Catholicism in America".  No, I'm not Catholic but it's a history class, and I need those to finish my minor requirements.  I just need to clean out my back pack and reorganize and I'll be all set.

I hope you all have a great weekend!
Love, 365

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