August 30, 2017

The politics of work

Ah, the happy "work" family...

I don't know about your work place, but there's always something going on at mine.  Recently the issue of "turning in hours" ~ for our pay ~ has become an issue.  One of my co-workers, a dental assistant, always seems to crow about how much more she works than anyone else.  This frustrates and infuriates her counterpart (dentists usually have two assistants).  Everyone knows that she's just spouting off.  Everyone.

Last pay period she was discussing her hours with one of us ~ not me obviously ~ and mentioned how many hours she had put in.  Which I knew was untrue.  In fact, I added up her hours, including her "I worked through lunch EVERY DAY!" announcement and came up with far fewer hours than she claimed.  Although I felt rather hesitant about it, I spoke to the OM about it.  She assured me she was aware of the situation, and that due to this issue, everyone will be ~ in the near future (?) ~ required to make use of the time clocks that are already part of our software.  Easy to use.  Maybe will take a bit to get used to doing, but easy.  Apparently, I'm the only employee out of 12 that uses it.  I use it so I won't get cheated out of getting paid for when I'm actually at work.  I am already anticipating the groaning and moaning that will go on when they announce this requirement.  No one in this office likes for anything to ever change.  It's like working with a bunch of really old people who are stuck in their routines.

Today, one of our hygienists just had a major hissy fit because the "lunch and learn" we were scheduled to have with a vendor canceled.  He was supposed to bring lunch to the presentation and apparently she didn't bring lunch as she figured there was no need.  One of the docs actually bent over and gave her his credit card so that she and her hygienist coworker could go to lunch ~ on him.  I hadn't brought lunch either, but I did what I thought was a no brainer ~ went to Target and bought some Lean Cuisine entrees, plus a few extras for when this might happen again.  It never occurred to me that I should think the docs are responsible for feeding me because the presenter had to reschedule.  Not to mention we have an hour for lunch with tons of restaurants around us.

It just goes to show you how a person who is over 60, and a smart cookie to boot can act like a willful, spoiled rotten brat.  One of my other coworkers became infuriated which seemed like an over reaction to me, but sheesh.  Can't these adults just grow up?  I need a Xanax.

Love, 365


  1. Oh my. So petty really. I am working alone in my office with my dog snoring at my feet.
    I have to deal with mean icky people on the phone all day long, if I had that in my office too I would just probably cry. I'm with you. I don't feel entitled to anyone buying me lunch. I'd have done the same as you. Besides a trip to Target fixes a myriad of ills in my book.

    1. Well, as one of my previous co-workers put it "you can't expect to work in an office full of women and not have some problems". Unfortunately I think that's more true than not.


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...