July 1, 2019


Hanging out in Santa Fe...

My sister and her husband are on a motorcycle trip with their Hog chapter.  Before you get the wrong idea, haha, this is a Harley Davidson motorcycle group.  She calls it their "Hog chapter", so I guess I ought to as well.  They went up to Colorado (not Durango, not exactly sure where they were heading) and are traveling back today.  She asked if we could meet up in Albuquerque for lunch before they continue on their journey.  So, first it was supposed to be dinner, but a few days ago she said lunch would be better.  Ok.  So, I bowed out of the baking at church so that we could meet up.  Family is more important than baking right?  Of course!

She figured they would be here around noon.  It's not much past that now, but I'm already becoming bored with watching sourdough baking tips on You Tube, and I'm hungry.  A sure recipe for crankiness.  Of course I realize that it's not easy to figure the exactness of time when you encounter traffic, and other unforseeen issues.  And Romeo already came in and asked me when we would just give up on this whole idea.  Not a good sign.  He is not a naturally patient person.  By association, it creates impatience in me as well.  :-)

So, here I sit, waiting for the word that they are 15 minutes away so we can head over to the Owl Cafe: 

A rather nice photo with all the lights on....

At some point I assume Romeo will say he's out, and I will be going alone.  Plus, I am a little annoyed that I've been goofing around for the last hour and a half waiting.  This is my Monday off, and I had plans, which I was willing to put aside.  

Dammit, before too long I will give in and eat some of the Texas Sheet cake I made yesterday, and will be no longer interested in having the green chile cheese burger I was looking forward to.

Love, 365


  1. oh boy I sure hope they show up...SOON. This kind of thing makes me antsy.

    1. I finally broke down and texted my sister, she replied less than 20 minutes later explaining they got turned around (not surprising!). We met up about 45 min later. Unfortunately the only lunch item I recommend is the onion rings. The burger was soggy and the patty was too thin, and why or why put on American cheese? Yuck. However, seeing family for a bit over an hour before they continued on their travels was awesome.

  2. Hope they turned up on time for the burger, though Texas sheet cake sounds even better. Can't you have both.

    1. The sheet cake was delicious, and I did have some later that evening. They finally made it, they just got a little lost. As it turned out the burger wasn't worth the wait. :-)


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