June 29, 2019

The Adjustment.....

Organ mountains near Las Cruses by Sylvia Armijo....

Yesterday afternoon while I was relaxing after a rousing game of racquetball, I realized that I haven't been in my office but once this week.  There's a fine layer of dust on the computer.....oh, ok, and everywhere else in here.  And other than the interesting conversations in class, I don't miss college at all.  Now that my time is my own, to bake bread or clean the house and do laundry, I have rediscovered that I like that there's nothing I HAVE to do, like read 3 chapters of a book I don't enjoy.  It's only been 6 weeks since graduation and for now, I don't see myself returning for graduate school.  On the other hand, it's only been 6 weeks.  Maybe I'll change my mind.  

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but my eldest son and his wife are expecting their first child ~ a boy.  She's due the first part of August, so it won't be too long before I have a new grandson!  We were all talking about how it would be so great to have a girl this time (she has two boys from her previous marriage) but testing showed another boy.  When I asked about names a few months later, Son #1 said they were thinking about Frank, which is his Dad's name.  And although it's a perfectly good name, you don't really hear it much anymore ~ but it's a nice tribute.

A few weeks ago my co-worker mentioned that Southwest had a 72 hour sale, and I managed to get my ticket for right at $200, which is an amazing price ~ usually a round trip from Abq to San Antonio is 300-350.  I have to get up at the crack of dawn, but it'll be worth it.  Right?  Hmmmmmmm  So I am visiting for a week at the very end of August.  I'll only be visiting the new parents for a couple of days, then head on down to visit Mom and my sister.  I'm looking forward to it, but what I long for is a vacation.  And no matter how fun it is to see my new grandson and visit family, I don't consider it a vacation.  I want to go to the beach.  The dog is an issue.  Romeo won't board her, so if we do go somewhere we have to drive and take the dog.  Which means no eating out.  Or doing anything the dog can't do.  Sometimes it seems like he puts the dog ahead of my plans.  Oh, wait, he does put the dog first.  Humbling.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Love, 365


  1. You'll have to post some photos of your bread!
    I love that those old names are coming back, Harry, Frank, William..those are all names in our family,call from grandfather's and Uncles of old

    1. Yes, those old names are so preferable to the crazy name (like Apple for instance). I will post some photos soon ~ I bought a couple of brotform baskets because I was getting tired of all of the loaves as french bread. It just doesn't seem right to make sour dough in a regular bread pan, although I will do that from time to time. It's my own little quirk. :-)


Two weeks and counting.......

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