February 27, 2021

Saturday bliss.......


Lol, just to clarify, my dog doesn't wear costumes.  We tried on Halloween some years ago ~ it didn't go well.

I am on the last few days before my trip to Texas to visit my kids!  I am very excited to see them and my grandkids.  It won't be a long trip, 4 days ~ which is probably as long as any of us would want to be together 24/7.  This is because I will be staying in the house.  I didn't rend a car or reserve a hotel room.  I had a Southwest voucher that will expire in a few weeks, and there wasn't any other place I would want to go (OK, well Hawaii sounds pretty darn good, but the voucher wasn't quite that big 😁).  In the spirit of thriftiness, I asked if they were ok with me staying with them.  Of course they said yes, what else would they say?  This is why the trip is 4 nights.  Normally when I go to Texas I stay for at least a week, 10 days.  I sure will be happy when my family wants to come here to visit us!  It seems something always comes up 😔

Y'all ready for the next installment of Ms Loud????  The moon landing was a hoax!  And so, the Mars photos that came up on my phone are a hoax as well.  We did the 5 year old "No it wasn't" "Yes it was" thing back and forth a little.  Then she agreed to disagree.  In about 4 months (give or take) she will move to Montana.....and says that I will be taking her spot (which I don't want to do).  We will see what happens!  They may force the issue.  I will lose my view of the outside, and have to take over the ordering of the implant supplies, which to my eyes, looks rather complicated.  Not excited about that.  I'd rather stay where I am now, where I think my strengths lay.

Winter is loosening it's hold on New Mexico...although the mountains in the northern reaches did receive some snow this week.  We got zip.  The drought situation is worsening.  Our next option for moisture (well, more than a passing storm) will be our summer monsoon season.  Fire danger remains high.  I hope that the people walking/hiking/camping in our forests are careful.  One little spark....well, we've all seen the fires in California.  Yikes....

I am baking an orange pudding cake today, trying out a new recipe from Baked from Scratch magazine.  It's supposed to taste similar to those orange push up treats, which I really loved.  I hope it turns out good!

Enjoy your weekend!

Love, 365


  1. SWMBO is partway through creation of a Lemon Sheet Cake with frosting!

    1. Well that sounds delightful! I love lemon desserts.

  2. Thank goodness Ms Loud will be gone soon. Hope it doesn't get complicated for you though.
    Enjoy your trip and the family

    1. I did enjoy the trip even though after you read my latest post, you'll probably not get that impression. :-)

  3. Isn't that the truth about dogs. They are now being carried around in purses at the store. Have a good trip to Texas and enjoy the family time. Hope the cake turned out well.

    1. The cake was yummy except for the frosting. I don't like butter cream frosting, even if I made it myself! But the rest was just like a dreamcicle!


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...