April 23, 2021

It seems almost like a hospice around here.....


Sioux, a few years ago.  

I know I keep saying she is getting better ~ and she does for a day or two.  Then she slides back down.  She has become so thin it's scary.  The first vet did not do much for her, and we decided we needed a second opinion.  The second vet has diagnosed her with severe IBS.  I didn't know dogs could get IBS (which is irritable bowel system).  She is now on prednisone, and we've ordered a supplement of B12, because she had none in her blood work.  None.  Which helps you absorb nutrients from food.  

The first vet told us she had a food allergy, and on her advice we ordered an expensive dog food for her.  But, she wouldn't eat it.  Luckily we had not opened the case of food before we discovered she would not eat it, so we can return it, so we can get our $107.00 back.  I wish I could get the $$ back from the first vet, which will never happen, but we are both feeling quite disgusted that she could be so misdiagnosed.   Maybe it's not an easy diagnosis to make, I don't know.  

Romeo is very discouraged.  He wonders if she will survive the treatment.  He is the one that is with her all day while I'm at work, and works at trying to entice her to eat something. I wish there was something I could do or say to help, but other than trying to find ideas on food she might go for, there's not much else I can do.  

I had taken a few days off the first part of March hoping we could drive up to Santa Fe for the day, but I don't see it happening.  I'm so desperate to get away, even for the day.  But I'm not going to do that without Romeo.  I'm already gone much of the time with work.  

Well, if you feel inclined to pray for a dog's life, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Love, 365

***The next morning ~ she has eaten more this morning than she's had in the past 4 days.  She's begging us for whatever we have in our hand.  So, today looks like a good day.


  1. IBS has no diagnosis even in humans. There are a wide range of symptoms which, if you have one or some, might suggest IBS. That's the best they can do. We hope you find out what's triggering it. IBS is a real b******d but from experience I know it can be beaten into submission. First however you have to work out what the allergy food is that's setting it off, avoid that and work on boosting the diversity of gut bacteria and the worst of it can be largely controlled. (Minimize use of anti-biotics which kill off good gut bacteria along with whatever bad things you are trying to kill. I always found a course of anti-biotics flared my IBS for about 6 months afterwards.

    1. Thank you for your post ~ so it is possible that eventually the first vet may have come to the same conclusion, good to know they weren't just trying to charge us in accordance to their daily production goals. We are now trying salmon/fish (which really stinks, but oh well).

  2. Thinking of Sioux . Sending positive vibes.
    Hoping the new treatment works

    1. Thank you! She seems much better this morning, and I hope it'll be the same tomorrow, and the day after that.

  3. I am happy to see your note at the end, that she is eating again. That sounds very positive; I did say a prayer for healing for her.

    1. Thank you...now that the medication has kicked in, she has become insatiable. She even ate a scoop of vegetables that she previously would have turned her nose to.

  4. Those furry people are such an important part of our lives and it's hard to see them not feeling well. They can't tell you where it hurts or what's making them feel bad. Hope your doglet is better and has a few more good years left.

    1. They certainly are ~ we are just going day to day. It really has lifted our spirits to see her eating again!

  5. My thoughts are with Sioux. Trying to send her a good appetite.

  6. Awe. Hope she continues on the mend. Think probiotics and prebiotics. And I know this sounds stupid, but steer clear of gluten in foods. Way before anyone really knew what Celiac was we were diagnosed (and yes we've actually been diagnosed with severe IBS as well) and wouldn't you know it, the cat had it too. He lived to be a very happy 17.

    1. Oh, that is good news (about your kitty). I am hoping to see her running around for another year or two!

  7. I am so happy you got a 2nd opinion. I think you are on the right track if she is eating. Nothing worse than a sick pup. Ask your vet about adding some yogurt. It is good for healing the gut from the antiboditics which will cause allergy like symptoms. It worked for my dog. It was amazing. also this stuff worked for her incredibly well (https://www.nzymes.com/nzymes-testimonials-success-stories/) I'll add this dog to my prayers. :-)

    1. Thanks. We just had to go to someone else, nothing the other vet instructed us to do was working. And it's just a little unsettling that you can't go in with them, so you don't know what's going on. I will look into the nzymes for sure.

  8. Well I hope the treatment works. It is hard for a dog to tell you the food is the problem.


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...