April 14, 2018

Getting on.......

Paleolithic cave art (Bing)

As I sit here at my desk, I can't help but be a bit ashamed of how unorganized I can be when working on research.  Chaos reigns.  The mind whirls with possibilities and yet is quick to discount a book or journal article for relevance to the project.  Of course, part of that is my penchant for procrastinating. But this time I can't put all the blame on myself, but of circumstances.  I know why I took 2 classes, and at the end it will be worth it, but I am too busy right now.  Ugh.

I do give myself some down time, but then berate myself for being so lazy.  While I'm sketching out my paper outline (which is due tomorrow), I'm doing laundry and making the bed, emptying the dishwasher.....just for an excuse to get up.  The good news is that the outline will make writing the paper more efficient and maybe easier.  I'm glad she asked for it, as I might not have done it otherwise.  
The desk in question :-(

I will need to knock out the rest of the outline tomorrow, so that I can spend some time doing research for history.  If you know of any resources for architecture by the CCC in the 30's (western U.S.), please don't hesitate to let me know as I am running into a lack of information.  I have no idea yet how many pages we'll have to read for class, but late tomorrow I will start printing it up.  Sometimes I print it at work, but it doesn't seem right, so I don't do it very often.  I was printing a rather long article from my anthropology class and our accountant tried to print something at the same time.....it was a bit awkward, as you can imagine.  

The good and bad news is that my coworker (yeah, the loud one) will be gone for two weeks.  That's good because I really could use a break from her, and bad because we will be short one person for two weeks, which just puts the rest of us under a bit of a strain.  We'll get through it, I'm sure.  

The other good/bad news is that I have 3 weeks left to write these two papers.  After the semester is over, I'm spending a lot more time outdoors.  My summer class doesn't start until July 2nd, and I'm looking forward to 6 weeks of less time in front of this damn computer.......

Love, 365

1 comment:

  1. procrastinators are just people who do their work under pressure


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...