April 19, 2019

It's the little things......

My Sis (on the right, dig those pedal pushers) sent me this photo this week along with a text letting me know how Mom was doing after some minor surgery.
This was when we were stationed in Japan.
Yes, our hair looked like that for YEARS....Mom wasn't very interested in braiding or brushing, haha.
I don't remember the tricycle/wagon combo, but it is cool!  I bet it was red....

It has been quite the grueling week at work.  Our newest hire was out sick until yesterday.  Since Ms. Loud and I are off today, she will have a little trial by fire today.  But as one of the four of us is on vacation in Greece this week, and one of us was sick, the two of us left had a very busy and exhausting two days.  On Monday I worked alone, but there weren't any doctors, so it wasn't so bad.  I have a list of stuff I will have to tackle next week, as this week was just keeping up.  I'm not looking forward to that....mostly it's checking with insurance to find out why they denied a claim, or having the insurance re-process claims that they incorrectly deny ~ oh, yes, this happens all the time.  Irritating.

This week our GSI (graduate student instructor) reminded us that we will finish up in three weeks!  It can't come soon enough.   We had a guest lecturer yesterday who actually had good things to say about the U.S. in regards to Central America.  It was a nice change from the obvious anti-U.S. sentiment of GSI, which always bugs the hell out of me.  I know we aren't perfect, but I feel privileged to live here, despite the problems.

Happy Easter!  Well, unless you're Orthodox.  Orthodox Easter isn't until April 28 ~ or Pascha in the Greek Orthodox Church.
Over time I have learned a few words of Greek, as about 1/3 of the Liturgy (church service) is in Greek.  Last weekend the ladies group (Philoptochos - "friends of the poor) made Greek Easter bread.  It was fun being around all those older Greek women.  Yeah, they are cranky, but I find it endearing.  They tried to take my French name and make it Greek, but it didn't work out too well.  No, I'm not French, but Irish/Welsh & German. 

I believe the final tally was near to 80 loaves of bread.  Most of these are sold to raise money for the different philanthropic works of the group (support services, donations, etc).  Some were for the congregation members that are home-bound.  One loaf broke when it was lifted from the baking sheet ~ I leaned over and said "we can't sell this one, maybe we should eat it?" and we did.  Delicious.

We're making more bread tomorrow, but this time we'll be working with kids, so that should be fun.  I better wear old clothes...   :-)

Love, 365


  1. oh bummer you had to eat some! I love old greek women, they remind me of my old italian aunts. Cranky old coots but generally with big hearts. Happy Easter.

    1. You're right on, they are cranky but extremely generous. Maybe they just don't want anyone to know? Or, they are just grumpy old ladies. Doesn't mean they don't love ya.....

  2. I like the photo. Adorable little people, all of them.

    I don't do most holidaze, so Easter isn't getting my attention again this year. But we *do* manage a few spring projects at work, which generates at least as much enthusiasm, I think.

    I hate insurance companies. But your blog isn't the forum for me to start ranting.

    1. While the "western" side of Christianity is celebrating Easter today, "eastern" Christianity has another week. It's really quite confusing, but I just roll with it.

      Insurance companies rarely do anything for people ~ they mostly "do" things for themselves and their shareholders. My opinion is that it should not be for profit. It's contradiction that they count on people NOT needing it. In dentistry, we pretty much know what procedures aren't covered, but when they keep telling me they don't have the claim after I've sent it 3 times (& in 3 different ways), I start to get a bit irritated.

  3. Love the photo. My family was stationed in Japan as well. We were in Misawa. It was a good experience but I was a bratty teenager so wasn't old or smart enough to really appreciate it. Enjoy your weekend as it sounds like you could use some down time. Happy Easter.

    1. We were in Okinawa. I was just a 4 - 8 year old kid, so I thought all families were stationed different places. When we came back to the states, most of the folks in our neighborhood were military families, so that assumption lingered for a bit.

      Hope you enjoy your Easter weekend!

  4. The the tricycle/wagon combo is classic!

    1. I know! Too bad those aren't still popular.....instead of the motorized ones.


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