April 13, 2019

The Saturday chill.........

So ready for the big day!

Well, they didn't really send me all of them....just six.  And they basically all look the same.  I wish they had sent them all!  Some of them were probably awful, but I would have liked to see.

It's been an interesting week at work, our new employee started on Tuesday.  She is much more motivated than the person she replaced.  She's quick to jump into whatever needs done.....it's nice for a change.  Not that I didn't like my previous coworker, but she was not what you would call a "ball of fire", lol.  I had to work alone yesterday, but it was an easy day ~ we finished up an hour early which gave me the perfect opportunity to run a few errands before going home.

Baking Greek Easter bread at St George Greek Orthodox Church this morning...

As you can see, the ladies group got together and baked Greek Easter bread this morning.  I took a loaf home with me ~ it is really delicious!  It has a spice in it I've never heard of: mahlepi.  Of course, if I want to make this at home, I'll have to get the spice from Amazon, not sure I could find it here in Albuquerque.  

I managed to get through my presentation on Thursday.....I really don't enjoy speaking in front of a group.  There is not much more to do in class now......just one more writing response and a final paper.  I guess I have an A or a B, but I'm not at all sure what my grade is.  I hope she is generous on the grade for the presentation.  

Well, I've got reading to do.....I hope you have a great Sunday!

Love, 365


  1. Very nice grad pictre! I'm so used to black gowns and hats. It's nice to see a different colour! -Jenn

    1. The master's and Ph.D. grads do have black gowns. But I am proud to wear the red.

  2. congratulation...
    have a great weekend

    1. Thank you! The weekend was great. And in just short of an hour, Game of Thrones returns....too bad tomorrow is Monday.

  3. It is a great picture! What are you going to do after graduation??
    I don't like public speaking, either.
    I can get up in front of a LOT of people and sing.
    Don't even get stage fright. But asking me to talk to them... nope.

    1. Lol, I have a terrible singing voice. So, even that is lost to me, but I don't have to worry about that! As far as what happens after graduation, I'm taking my life back! Hiking, art, spending weekends traveling....

  4. Congratulations on the graduation. The photo is very nice. I too hate public speaking! I will stammer and stutter like my 3rd grade self. Awful.
    I love that Greek Easter bread, I'll give you my address for shipping. :-)

    1. If you have a Greek bakery or deli around, you can probably buy the bread there! As for my loaf, it has been decimated by Romeo while I was at work. He did save me a last piece....


Two weeks and counting.......

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