April 3, 2019

Time is running short......

Rare foggy morning in Albuquerque....
As I walked up to the door of the office, the scene in front of me was just to incredible to pass up.

I have 5 more weeks of class left, and am beginning to feel the pinch of all I have yet to do before the big graduation day.  I went for graduation photos yesterday ~ provided free by the university (as well they should after all the money spent on the square piece of paper I'm gonna get).  I was tired, my hair looked like crap.  I jammed on the cap and gown they let me borrow ~ but I did make sure to take my Golden Key honors award cord ~ I had practically no make up left, and I put on sneakers for comfort.  Most of those young women had really made an effort to look good, so I felt dowdy and out of place.  I hope there's a filter on those damn photos.

I do it to myself.  Really, I have to admit that.  Last weekend I committed to a Lenten retreat at the church, which was Friday evening and Saturday until about 3pm.  Although I enjoyed it, I admit that I knew I was over doing it.  I really have no idea why I do these things.  I must be crazy.  There was certainly no end to the reading and homework I had to do ~ but I was given a slight reprieve when GSI (graduate student instructor) cancelled class yesterday.  But she did give us quite a written assignment to turn in tomorrow, so I had to bow out of the church class I had signed up for, which is 6 Wednesday's.  Really.  Can't I just consider how much free time I truly have before I sign up for these things?  

I volunteered to take dinner to one of our parishioners who is going through cancer treatments.  I'll need to cook it on Monday and take it to her and her family on Wednesday, which means it will be cold.  I wish I didn't have to take it cold, but don't see anyway out of it.

Next Tuesday I have to give a presentation at class, so this weekend will be stupidly busy.  I don't know if I'm going to use a handout or try to put a power point together ~ which I don't do often ~ although I think I can handle a simple one without too much bother.  But I have to write it first, and understand the material so that I can answer questions.  I plan to take 1/2 of one of those anxiety pills the Doc gave me months ago.  I really hate talking in front of a group.

So, these are the reasons I haven't been very productive here!  

When I get those photos I'll post a few and let y'all vote on the one you like.  Sorry, but there will be no prizes....hahaha.

Love, 365


  1. All that work and your worried about the photo?


    1. Lol, well it's likely to be the only "professional" photo I will have. They haven't come in yet, so we'll see how they are.

  2. You got a lot on your plate so I think you're forgiven for your lack of blog production. Take care, hang in there and keep counting down the days. Almost there.

    1. Yes, I bowed out of the Wednesday class, I just don't have the time...especially since I have a presentation on Thursday (she moved it thank goodness). Just a little bit more.....


Two weeks and counting.......

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