May 20, 2019

Game of Thrones finale.......(spoiler alert)

Arya ~ one of my favorite characters on GOT

Well, if you are a fan and watched last night, what did you think?  Romeo stated he was disappointed.  I thought it wrapped things up nicely, although there were several surprises.  After Jon's conversation with Tyrion, I knew what was coming.  Jon always does what needs to be done regardless of his feelings.  But wow!  

There were so many epic moments, and thankfully a few comedic moments ~ I'm including the dragon in the snow that surprises Jon on his way to see Daenerys.  You might not consider that funny, but I did, due to my quirky and twisted sense of humor.  

I knew that there would be no enlightening discussion with Daenerys ~ did you see her face when she encountered the Iron Throne?  That's the face of someone hungry for power.  Arya knew ~ "that's the face of a killer".  She ought to know.

At any rate, we'll probably watch the last episode again before I cancel the HBO subscription.  

And you've heard that they may go back and create a prequel series or two?  Hmmmmm.  

Other endings: I finished watching the last season/last episode of Longmire.  I had heard that there won't be a continuance of the series, and frankly it was time.  It was becoming so predictable.  But it was funny to watch the last episode of Longmire and Game of Thrones all in the same day.

What did you think of the GOT finale?  
Love, 365


  1. I was not able to get into the show...limitations of my age and ADD, not the show. Mrs. was hooked an she thought the ending great!

    1. I noticed more women than men liked the ending, but I'm not sure why!

  2. I haven't watched it. At all. Eventually I'll either find the whole thing at Goodwill or it will show up on Amazon or Netflix and I'll watch. It sounds like something I'd like.

    1. I like anything with dragons in it :-) When the series is available on DVD I'll probably buy it, but not before I read the books, which I surprisingly haven't read.

  3. I liked it I guess. I understood all of it but I thought it was going to be more action of going after Dani but I can't complain after the action when they fought the Night King. I will definitely miss the show.

    1. It took me awhile (sometimes slow on the uptake) that many people were unhappy because they felt that Jon deserved the crown. Now there are plenty of FB posts about how Bran orchestrated his ascension. I thought it was a great story, and I'll miss it too.

  4. Arya was one of my favorites as well. I have seen better finales and I have seen worse finales. The GOT was OK. I felt the whole season was rushed and the storylines didn't get the time they needed. Overall, I enjoyed the GOT ride and now I need to find my next obsession.

    1. I agree that it did seem rushed. I know they finished the series because the books weren't finished.....did they think everyone would wait a year or two to continue the series? Silly.... I loved the series and will miss it. Wonder how long there will be a new series that I love as much as this one????


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