May 13, 2019

The finale......

Graduated magna cum laude in Anthropology....

What a great day Saturday was!  My sister and youngest son flew in from Texas.  My son flew back this morning, but my sister is here all week taking an art class in Santa Fe.

We tried to take a selfie, but neither of us is adept at those, so you take what you can get when someone else takes the photo...   :-)
Now, what to do?  Well, I've already checked for a final grade ~ yes, they let you graduate before the final grades are in.  We all assume we will pass when we walk across the stage, haha.  I know I will pass, but you know.....I just want to know how I did on the final.  The student I have been didn't go away in two days, lol.

One thing I've done is start using my insta-pot more.  On Sunday I made barbacoa tacos.  They were really incredible.  Today I've got chicken tortilla soup going.  There is a bit of prep work involved.  But once the prep is done the cook time is super short.   The barbacoa was 30 minutes of cooking.  The soup is 20 minutes.  It's not quite as convenient as the slow cooker (dumping it in and letting it simmer all day), but so much more versatile.  So, probably more of a weekend deal than a weeknight deal.  Unless you're retired.

So, GOT ~ have you been watching?  I watched yesterdays episode today.  Wow.  Romeo thought last night was the last episode, and considering all that happened, I understand.  I explained that there are 3 more.  Wonder what will happen?  I can't wait!!

Have a great week!
Love, 365


  1. I haven't seen GOT. I am sure I eventually will. Funny, but all the chatter and commentary actually makes me want to read the books.

    I'm glad you reached your goal and graduated. I'll never understand people who WANT to go to school, but that doesn't mean I can't admire it. :)

    1. I was wrong that there are 3 more episodes, apparently this Sunday is the last one. Should be interesting to see how it wraps up!

  2. I am the only human that does not and has never watched GOT. I appear to be missing out.
    Congrats on the diploma. Should I assume you'll be leaving the dental office now? I really want an instant pot but just don't have the place to put another gadget. I may have to break down because 30 minutes cooking time is fabulous.

    1. No, I won't be leaving the dental office yet. I don't think a bachelor's degree will get me much of a job, and my age won't do me any favors. If I find something I'll apply though!

  3. Congratulations on the hard fought victory, long time coming. Great that family could be there for the celebration.
    The family and I will be camping out at a little RV park just on the east side of the Sandia's at the end of this month. Close enough to Albuquerque to enjoy the city while maybe having enough darkness to enjoy the stars at night. Both me and the wife lived about a mile apart during our time in Albuquerque growing up, but never met until many decades later in Texas. I hope to get some racquetball in at Kirkland while we are there along with plenty of great food in Old Town.

    God Bless and Congats again!

    MSG Grumpy

    1. This is a great time to visit, we've had a very wet spring and everything is green and blooming! I hope you enjoy your visit, and thanks for your well wishes!

  4. Oops, almost forgot, if the GOT episode you watched was the season eight episode 5 (12MAY19), then there are NOT 3 more episodes, only one. I have enjoyed the series up until this season. And while it hasn't been my favorite, I'm still holding out hope that the last show (this Sunday) will kind of pull all the loose threads together and have a strong finish.

    MSG Grumpy

    1. Yeah, I was sad to discover there will be only one more. It should be interesting to see how they complete the story...maybe Daenerys will become the "mad queen".

  5. Congratulations! I just got back from my daughter's graduation in Detroit. She now has her Masters in Education and everyone is asking her if she's going back for more. :) I suspect she will but for the moment. I think she's enjoying a much needed break. - New follower and I have no idea how I found you. :)

    1. Thank you and congrats on your daughter's Master's! I do plan to do "regular" life for a year and then evaluate if I want to go to graduate school.
      Glad you happened along and welcome!!!


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