May 17, 2019

Out for a stroll......

The clouds and the breeze were just enough to keep me from getting too hot. 

Apache plume..

I'm not sure what this one is.....

It's been almost a week ~ the most common question I hear is "what now?".  I think I've already pondered this and answered it.  Art, photography, glass work, gym time, more racquetball.  If I do (and it's not a certainty) decide to go on to graduate school, I'll wait a year.  Everyone thinks I'll be bored.  I'm sure there will be moments when I miss it, but thats all they will be ~ moments.  Right now it just feels like the end of the semester ~ hasn't quite sunk in yet.  

It was wonderful having my youngest son here, and my sister is taking her last art class today.  Romeo and I are driving up to Santa Fe for dinner this afternoon.  I don't know why she wants to eat in Santa Fe!  Food is food, right?  She returns home tomorrow morning, and I'm sure she'll be glad to get there.  There comes a point where you just want to go home again, no matter how great the vacation!  It's been great to have her come though.  It had been a long time. 

Enjoy your weekend!
Love, 365


  1. Bored? That is crazy. Only boring people get bored. When I retired lots of people warned me that I wouldn't know what to do with myself...I don't know why so many people have to be kill joys! They said, "What will you do?" My answer, "Nothing. I've been wanting to do 'nothing' all my life" and it turns out the one think I am really good at is doing nothing!

    1. Agreed ~ I will not be bored! Romeo and I agreed to get out more. :-) Fun times....

  2. I agree with Joeh statement that only boring people get bored. I do think I'd enjoy a day of boredom. I don't think I've had one since 1978. It also appears that Joeh and I are the same person. I want to do nothing, I long to do nothing and I'm damn good at doing nothing!! Enjoy it all

    1. This coming from a woman who gets up at some ungodly hour to take the dog out for a'll get there!!

  3. How very, very beautiful. Almost certainly too hot for my wimpy self, but on screen the beauty is so evident. Bored? Since I retired I wonder how I found time to go to work.

  4. Although I haven't retired yet, I look back on when my kids were little and wonder how I got it all done! I'm sure that will translate when I finally do retire!

  5. I love the pictures. It's always interesting to me how vegetation differs from place to place. We always comment on the difference between Oregon and Washington, separated only by the river. Yet the terrain and plants look very dissimilar.

    I don't get bored.
    I'm a very boring person, I suppose, when viewed from the outside. (Which is the only way people are allowed to view me, just so we're clear...)
    I work. Sleep. Eat. Draw pictures, play with my computer, watch stuff on the TV in the momcave.

    That's pretty much it.

    1. Even before I graduated, I thought of my life as extremely boring. Work. Eat. Sleep. Laundry. Cooking. Homework. Lots of similarities there! With the exception of what I do in my free time, life will continue on as before.

      My sister visited for 9 days, but the first day I mentioned how "green" New Mexico is right now due to all the moisture we've had this spring. She looked around and said "Green? I don't see that". By the time she left she understood a little more. It is a desert after all. When I see video or photos of other places, the first thing I note is whether or not they are green. Funny. But we do have amazing plants that are acclimated to the lack of rain. Strawberry cactus ~ those are so beautiful. I'll have to post a photo....


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...