May 4, 2019

Time to lighten up a little.....

Not sure I would have gone with the Ninja Turtles though.........

This is so me, hahaha

This one is appropriate after watching the last Jurassic Park movie.....

**Update on the suv ~ I have decided to just be hot this summer, and if all goes well otherwise, I will stick with my original plan to drive it until Oct/Nov.  Will it be fun? No.  Yesterday I was talking to a friend who works in a department store who has the same issue with her vehicle, and asked me if I did any sewing.  She thought I should make a slipcover on the seat with slots for frozen blue ice bags.  I'm seriously thinking about it.  Sheesh.

I attended the ring ceremony at UNM on Wednesday to pick up my class ring.  Part of the program is to dip your hand into a bowl of red dye before you pick up your ring.  That stuff was thick, gelatinous and cold ~ it was like putting your hand in a bowl of clotted blood ~ gross.  There are businesses that give you a 20-25% discount on stuff (mostly food) if you go in with a red hand.  It's one of those silly school traditions that keeps going despite itself. 

I also drove to UNM yesterday to pick up tickets for folks who will attend graduation ~ family, friends, etc.  Only to discover that the person handling that won't be back in the office until next Tuesday.  Someone else in the office covered it for me though, so at least I won't have to drive there again.  Typical.  On Friday the campus is usually pretty quiet. But on Thursday my class mates were complaining that they had trouble finding parking spots ~ next week is finals week so everyone came for the review.  Also typical.

Love, 365


  1. I don't think I'd have done the red hand thing. I have always hated the stupid school spirit crap... drives me insane.

    I hope you don't melt over summer. I despise riding around with my windows down. Ughhhhh.

    1. Oh, I thought it was fun (except for the dye ~ it really was gross). You could sense the excitement and happiness of those soon to be graduates. Sure, the speeches by the Alumni association were trite and boring....and they did feed us cake and fruit afterward. Nothing wrong with free food!

  2. I'm stealing the penny finding truck one.


Two weeks and counting.......

  Happy Valentines Day! Apparently I have resting mad bird face, lol. They are so cute, but this is an accurate depiction of walking with Zo...