May 7, 2019


Where I wish I lived.....

Not my neighborhood, but my reality......

As I was procrastinating writing my final paper for class, I generally read posts from blogs I follow.  This accomplishes two things: it gives me insight into how people write which helps me in my own writing, and gives me ideas for my own posts.  Recently Rick  (link to his blog) was writing about his new neighbors, speculating on what type of neighbor they might be.  I didn't want to write a whole post on his blog about my own experiences, so tada!  Here we go.....

~When we moved into our house, the kind elderly couple who lived across the street gave us the scoop on the neighbor we have on our left.  "Evelyn" is a very nice lady.  Her son however, is another story altogether.  He is a "retired" mechanic who apparently decided at some point in his mid 30s that he didn't want to work anymore.  For all I know he is perpetrating the "disability" pension.  At one point a few people in the neighborhood called the city and complained that he was running a business out of the house ~ fixing people's cars.  That was ancient history when we moved in, but we cast a wary eye on "Earl".  One day when we came home from the gym there were cops all over, and apparently Evelyn decided to evict her son, who wasn't in the mood to take care of himself.  He did leave for about 3 years, but he came back, much to our dismay. Since then he does.....nothing.  Except make a nuisance of himself.  His most recent antic is putting a "security" camera in the back yard which Romeo recently noticed is sometimes (not always) pointing at our backyard.  So, Romeo goes out with his laser pointer when he notices it's pointed know, just to drive him crazy.  Apparently it's not illegal.  Sadly.

~We've had a few neighbors on our right.  One was a drunken fool with a mail order bride (obviously Russian) who sometimes would lock him out when he would party too long.  He once rang our doorbell at 3am asking to use our phone.  We did not let him in. He died and his widow moved away. Now we have a totally sweet lady who is very sick.  I cannot recall what her medical situation is, other than she is very fragile.  And lonely.  I used to go over to visit now and again, but she would talk for HOURS.  Then I would go with a built in excuse as to why I couldn't stay (dinner is in the oven, so I can only stay for 30 minutes, etc).  But then she started adopting all of these dogs.  Dogs she can't handle.  They ripped up her furniture and soiled her rug.  The house smells horrible.  I just can't go over to her house anymore. 

We do have lovely neighbors, like Emma who lives across from us.  And a number of other folks, who wave and say hi, and sometimes chat in the street.  But I spend all day talking.  I don't want to spend all evening talking.  I guess my work as a receptionist just uses up most of my social skills, so that by the time I get home, I just want to be with Romeo and the dog and just veg. 

Love, 365


  1. As I just wrote on anothers blog - I am personable, nice and kind all day on the phone. If I hear a phone ring after 6p I want to cringe. I don't often answer my cell unless it is a parent that may need something. I can't be sociable some days after work. It's too much. I thought I was the only one and my husband says it's not like me. Well, it's the new me. If I have to see and play with others in the evening I need to have fair warning. Terrible isn't it? Old age perhaps? Seriously I worked at an airline and still was sociable at night. Where did I make that turn?

    1. I wonder the same thing myself......some of my coworkers go out and party after work, and that's the last thing I want to do, with the exception of meeting ONE person for happy hour. More than that and I find myself listening but not really participating. Is it age? Are we becoming curmudgeons? Oh, geez......


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