March 20, 2021

First day of spring!.....

 The official first day of spring has brought us some very nice temperatures and sunny day.....but I doubt that winter has left us and probably has a surprise in store ~ we often receive snow in March, and even as late as April.  It will freeze overnight all those who went to the nursery today to buy their flowers and veggies will kick themselves at having to go out again.  I think the nurseries count on it!  

My Mother's birthday is tomorrow, and hopefully the edible arrangement will arrive today ~ there seems to be a problem with some of their stores not open yet (& they're in Texas!  I thought everything was open there).  So, if it doesn't get there today, it'll be late.  Sigh.

I received a call from my eldest son, they received notice from their landlord that he will not renew their lease because he's planning on putting the house on the market.  No big surprise there, the Austin/Round Rock real estate market is so hot, it's on fire.  Apparently there's quite the influx of people (mostly Californians) who've sold their property in CA and have money to burn.  A house that is listed for $500,000 will sometimes sell for as much as $100,000 more.  I imagine the rental market is pretty hot now too, so I hope they don't have any problems finding something.   My son seems a bit down on having to move once again.  Until his ex-wife agrees to sell the house, they aren't able to qualify for another mortgage.  If they were taking my advice, I'd say rent anyway.  The market will change as those things always do.  It might be a year or so, but it will.

Ugh, I just can't pile it on with the worry.  It never accomplished anything except bad things anyway (like having breakouts, and not being able to sleep).  

I am trying to put off going through my bathroom cabinets for a spring clean out....haha.  Spring cleaning is not my favorite, buy we always need to do it!  What about you?

Love, 365


  1. I bought some basil last week and am now waiting to see if it will survive. You lured by bright blooms and hopes of warmer weather . Even here we'll have some more cold weather .
    I've heard that Texas is very popular. Texans aren't too pleased it seems. Is it the climate that attracts ?
    As for spring cleaning, good luck. It's still early for me. When we stop having fires and take up the carpets I'll think about it.
    Happy birthday to your Mum. Hope she gets her edibles

    1. Thank you, she did receive the fruit bouquet yesterday ~ minus the card. What to do? I was just happy she received it before her birthday.
      Texas is a state that has lots of employment, so that's one thing. Most places don't get a heavy winter either, so that's another. But the summers are blistering hot. If you wanted to go out for a walk or a hike, you have to get up very early or you'll be drenched in sweat. It's also a place (well, except for Austin) that is relatively cheap to live in. Texas has a lot going for it, but I'm very happy living in New Mexico, with it's wide open spaces. No mega-cities here. Every place has its problems!
      Lol, I didn't get around to cleaning out the cabinets yet either. It'll keep!
      We had our icon procession outside the church today ~ so lovely!

  2. We have friends in Colorado who often plant raspberries too early. You'd think they'd learn, wouldn't you? We too can get snow in March and April. We lived in Austin for a couple of years when we came back from Mexico in the early 90's but the humidity there (year round) was too much for us. And back in the 70's we got "condo-ed" out of our apartments twice in a row. We loved the first place but couldn't afford to buy so . . . and on and on.

    1. Oh, I remember the conversion of apartments to condos. Yes, it is so awfully humid. I have found that now that I'm a bit older :D I can't stand it. I'll happily trade the constant purchase of lotion to living in a sweat lodge. Austin used to be a lovely place to live, but with it's exponential growth, it's lost it's charm for me.

      We're supposed to have a chance for snow on Wednesday! It was in the 70s this weekend though. Silly people.

  3. Oh I have to do it (spring clean) but hate it. I am also hoping to sell so it's needed! Wanna come help? I'll feed you :-)

    1. Oh, I would love to! I did get to most of what I needed to do Sunday afternoon. Put 5 boxes of shoes in my car for a younger co-worker. One very sparkly pair of 5 inch heels that I wore to my son's wedding and never wore again!


Happy Anniversary to us, and to Peg and Rick :-)

  Our anniversary (the first one, lol) is Dec. 1.  We rarely remember it.  It occurred to me a week later, and Romeo didn't even recall ...