March 12, 2021

Flying in the time of Covid.....


Two days before I was due to fly out to Texas, I received an email from Southwest letting me know the flight out would be completely full.  They offered me to opportunity to change my flight at no charge if I wanted to.  Two days before, really.  I had scheduled time off from work, and my kids were expecting me to be there.  I was rather annoyed, but I had already had both of my Moderna vaccines I figured why not.  

This flight wasn't anymore comfortable than any other flight I've been on.  Shoulder to shoulder seating is not something I enjoy.  I picked up an N95 mask from work to wear ~ I do not know how our hygienists wear these all day.  It was miserable.  When I used the restroom I took it off and panted.  I did not wear it on my trip home, I just wore my surgical mask ~ I just couldn't bring myself to do it.   In many ways I wish I had decided to fly before they started filling the planes again.  It would have been nice to be on a plane only half full.

Everyone wore their masks, and Southwest announced right before boarding that wearing a bandana will not do, and offered free masks.  I've seen people drape a piece of lace over their face and call it a mask.  They also explained that you must wear the mask over your nose and mouth, another point of contention.  The airports were busy!  It's immediately apparent that people are tired of staying home and are taking off to visit family, or go to a business meeting, or take a vacation.  Luckily 3 out of 4 of my flights were all on time.  And that is another thing I dislike about flying these days.  I can never get a direct, go from here to there flight to Austin or San Antonio on Southwest.  It seems they prefer to fly you to Phoenix first (hey! that's the wrong direction!), then they'll go back the other way to Texas.  Coming home they went to Houston first, then back to Albuquerque.  Why oh why??  I could have just ditched my $200 voucher and taken Allegiant Airlines, which has a direct, 1 1/2 hour flight to Austin.  But I couldn't bring myself to do it.  

I haven't enjoyed flying for over 20 years.  Remember when boarding a plane was an adventure in and of itself?  The seats were wider.  They didn't care how much your bag weighted.  Meals were served ~ although the way I remembered it, they weren't all that great.  Sure beats a tiny bag of pretzels though!  And with the constant threat of terrorists, we still have to remove our shoes, and aren't allowed to bring our own water, or food.   

Do you still like flying?  

Love, 365


  1. Replies
    1. Even in the 70s when it was kind of a big deal? But as a sufferer of motion sickness, it was a crap shoot even then. If there was a lot of turbulence, I was reaching for the bag or running to those teeny tiny restrooms :-)

  2. As my flights were generally NZ/UK which is 24 hour minimum whichever way you package it flying was never much fun. I always end up with badly swollen feet and there isn't a compression sock invented that has been able to resolve that.

    1. I have never been on a flight that long! I don't imagine I would like it at all.

  3. I despise everything about airports and flying. The whole limited amounts of liquids, and having to show your bag of little 100 mL bottles, is annoying on international flights. I get very, very antsy on the flight, crammed in with other people. I hate the waiting at the airport for hours and hours before your flight, so you can spend $15.00 for a coffee and a donut! I hate the landing, I hate turbulence... I feel so sorry for you - four flights?!? I wear a mask all day long at work, so I guess that part wouldn't be a problem for me. -Jenn

    1. I can't even sleep during the just won't happen. I do wear a mask all day at work, but I don't have to wear the N95's. They are just suffocating!

  4. Oh I love your last paragraph. Yes, I did used to enjoy flying, even the 15 hour long hauls to Australia and NZ, a stopover in Singapore and another 7 or 8 hours. I loved going to the airport, waiting for the flight to be called, exploring your seat. Nice hot towels, a pre dinner drink, and this in cattle class. The thought of it now, though, tight seats, no leg room, common loos, no more!

    1. I suppose I'm glad I never had the funds to fly first class. Drinking on a plane? When you have motion sickness issues ~ nope. Yeah, I swear they've reduced the size of the seats by at least 4-5 inches in width. I feel like a sardine.

  5. Lord you are Braver than I, making a Death Flight Run in time of COVID on a Destination that would be TEXAS no less!

    1. Haha, that's funny. And I grew up in Texas, so I'm rather used to it :D They didn't drop the mask mandate until this past Wednesday, and I was safe at home by then ~ whew!

  6. I used to enjoy flying back in the 60s and 70s. We even dressed up for our flights.

    1. I had forgotten that before I read your comment ~ women had their hair done, wearing dresses and skirts (& heels!). It was an adventure then. Now, it's a cattle call. Although I appreciated that they had 10 at a time board instead of the crazy line of 20-30.

  7. I loved flying. But then, I haven't flown since some time in the 1980's, I believe, and it was all different then.

  8. My Youngest (19 yesterday) is venturing out into the world of travel. He hates to drive and announced 2 weeks ago he was driving to NYC (4-5 hours away). Fast forward to 3 days ago when he asked me to help him with the trains to get there, eventually settling on travel via bus. I feel much better about him not driving. I can't even imagine sticking him on a plane solo. Though I was 19 when I went on my first flight ever, alone.

    I caved a bit back and booked a vacation in San Francisco for the fam. Hoping by the time we get to August traveling is "normal" again. I have no issue with the masks, but to be free to move about the country would be a good thing.

  9. Not a fan of flying so I am absolutely sure flying in the time of COVID isn't going to change that opinion. I am hopeful we can hold out a little bit longer before we have to use an airplane.


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