August 11, 2022

Guess I haven't had


If you haven't been to Texas lately, this is what you'll see.  It is so dry, and fires start quickly.  Lots of dead trees too.  I sure hope they have rain soon....  This is my sister's home, but the whole state looks just like this.  If you pray, please add Texas to yours....💓

I suppose I haven't had enough travel yet!  On August 21 I will travel to South Carolina for a workshop.  This one is associated with my church, and it's to learn how to write/paint icons, which are depictions of Christ/Saints/Martyrs.  The grounds are beautiful.  Romeo keeps me updated on how hot and humid it is in Greenville.  He's such a ray of sunshine.  

I am flying this time ~ done with the car trips for awhile.  Thanks to all the stories on lost luggage, and as I am flying on American Airlines which is #2 in lost luggage, I am planning to use a carry on.  The trip back home includes 3 stops ~ that sounds like an opportunity to lose luggage to me.  So.....I will try to find a way to pack for a week in a teeny tiny carry on.  I think I'll be wearing everything more than once. Except the underwear, haha. (just in case you were wondering)

I think this is the garden.  The cost for the workshop was reduced this year due to a donation, making it more affordable (less than $900) which includes lodging, food and the workshop.  I thought it would be a great opportunity to find out if I have any talent.  

A few weeks after I return from that trip we will go on another road trip to pick up the puppy.  As unexcited as I am to do another road trip, we are both excited to get him!  I think we'll find out what his personality is like in short order!

Love, 365


  1. The trip home with the pup will certainly be an intro! !meanwhile I hope you enjoy the icon adventure and will post about it

  2. If you ever travel to Greece visit Monodendri in the Zagori region (north west). It overlooms the Vikos Gorge so there are lots of scenic and historic reasons to visit, but your post made me think of a small monastry there that clings to thd cliffs on thd side og the gorge. It is an artist colony these days where they design and hand paint beautiful icons. In one of the open studio spaces you can see all the preparatory sketches and design work that go into just one. The monastry itself isn't glitzy, small a bit ramshackle, a bit of an eagle's eyrie but this modern use of it is just managing to keep it alive. We hope you enjoy your workshop and find your talent for Byzantine art forms.

    1. I hope I do have some talent for it. I also have a lot of interest in mosaics, but I haven't seen a workshop, but I have seen some you tube videos ~ wow, it is intricate. One thing at a time, right?
      If I do ever make it to Greece, I will try to add a visit Mondendri and the artist colony! I may never want to leave :-)

  3. You got the time to travel, so might as well take advantage of it :)


    1. I planned all three visits before I retired.....the Grand Canyon, the road trip and the workshop. The puppy pick up was added later, but we can't wait to meet him!

  4. How wonderful to be able to do the icon workshop. One of Ks cousins is an icon painter and she has one hanging in a local church. Good travelling

    1. I am hoping I can do it! I have a lot of crafty skills, but I haven't painted in a long time. We will see!


It's never ever going to end.......

Zoe-Zoe (which is what I call her most of the time), disgusted with the orange buffoon, decides to take a nap.  And hopefully dream of chasi...