June 2, 2019

Summer time summer time, summ summ summertime.....

There are two types of people ~ summer people, and everyone else.  I have always loved summer ~
*the days are so much longer :-)
*the only time I need a sweater is at work, where they keep the a/c on "hang meat"
*my favorite shoes ~ no matter what the time of year ~ are more appropriate in the summer.  Namely flip flops and sandals. 
*best of all, it's watermelon season!!!

Sweet and juicy, plus the built in fun of seed spitting.  Most people buy seedless watermelon, but I prefer the regular seeded kind of melon, which I believe taste better.  The only problem with "regular" watermelons is that they are much bigger.  Romeo likes it, but I am the one who has to eat the majority of it, which is just fine with me.  Have you ever grilled it?  Yummy. 

Watermelon is the only food I purposely salt.  Preferably with smoked salt.  Hey, don't knock it if you've never tried it. 

Welcome summer! 

Love, 365


  1. My mother always used to sprinkle salt on her watermelon. It was normal. It wasn't until I got older that I discovered nobody else ever put salt on their watermelon. I don't think we can even buy the big, seeded ones anymore! -Jenn

  2. I'm definitely a winter person but flip flops and watermelon are a small consolation. Here they eat watermelon with feta. I prefer it plain and we'll chilled

  3. I grew up salting our watermelon, so I get it. The smoked salt sound interesting though.
    Just bought a watermelon and it was mush inside. We were so bummed. Oh well I have all summer to eat more.

  4. The kids are super excited about summer and watermelon. It's a good time of the year for sure. Enjoy your longer days and sunshine.


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