June 7, 2019

The Light and the Dark.......

We really only ended it 4 months early.  And there are reasons ~ like I need a new vehicle.  I figured it would be much easier to manage the payments once I paid the mortgage.  Let's just say the process did not go simply.  First I requested the payoff amount.  When I received the email notice that it was ready, I went online......and couldn't find it.  I had to call and ask where it was, because you would think it would be under "documents".  On Tuesday last week I called the bank and gave them the information the mortgage company provided, like they want it certified and sent over night.  The rep then tells me they can't over night it.  I should have pressed her on why (if I lost my credit card, they would overnight that), but I didn't.  I told her that as long as it gets there by the 5th of June, I didn't care.

Cut to Tuesday of this week ~ I called the mortgage company to check and make sure they received the check.  Nope.  Omg.  I freaked out.  Called the bank.  Only to find out that the twit who produced the check simply put a stamp on an envelope and mailed it.  No way to track it.  Seriously?  Doesn't it make sense to certify it or something so that it could be tracked?  This caused me all kinds of stress.  I mentioned to the person at the bank on Tuesday why she would think that was an acceptable way to send a final mortgage payment.

Ok, there was a lot more that I said.  When I get stressed, I tend to badger them until they admit they goofed.  Or that someone goofed.  Nope.  She wasn't having any of that.  She asked me how I requested they send it, and I replied that what I know about the banking business is probably the same as what she knows about dentistry.  I count on them to advise ME.  She finally admitted that the person I spoke to should have given me the different mailing options available.

Trying to cut this story short, I called three days in a row, becoming more and more frantic.  Discovered that if the check is lost or fraudulently cashed it would take 90 days for a refund.  The mortgage rep told me on Tuesday that she would make sure that our automatic payment would be suspended to give the check a little more time to arrive.  On Wednesday, another rep told me it was still scheduled.  Bottom line is that the check was finally received and the final payment was posted on Wed. afternoon.

I guess this whole experience spells out to me that you can't count on anyone.  I do feel a little bad that I was so rude to the bank people.  I probably wouldn't if the check hadn't arrived yet though.  It has been quite the week.

I hope your week has been better!  Enjoy the weekend, lovelies.
Love, 365


  1. Oh man, that stuff bugs the heck out of me. You're so right, why wouldn't she tell you that sending this o the mortgage will take 5 business days, but we have 2 other options....something like that. You should have been offered. I would have just assumed they would do whatever is fastest if not overnight. You were absolutely right to be frantic and frustrated. So I see we both had a crappy week. But hey, congrats on your house being paid off!

    1. Thank you! I am still very annoyed with my bank, which I've been with for over 30 years. It's like I said, I trusted (past tense) them to watch out for me.

  2. Seems like nothing is ever easy.

    1. So true! Even simple things can be a twisted up sometimes.

  3. Idiots. You were right to speak up and say what you thought. They're very unprofessional if that's how they're handling things! Sheesh.
    I'd be happy if we could pay our house off now...

    1. I just wanted someone to say "yes, we didn't handle that correctly", but I'm sure the training includes whatever it takes to avoid liability. I guess they're mantra is "never admit to error".
      We were really lucky to have refinanced to a 15 year loan just a little over a year after we bought it. We got a great percentage rate then, just over 3%. So, that helped a lot.

  4. We just assume that our bank will mess up. It's easier that way. -Jenn

    1. I guess! I just can't jump on that wagon at home, Romeo already has the corner market on it. :-)

  5. Congrats on having no mortgage. Sorry it was so stressful. Hopefully the new vehicle purchase goes more smoothly.

    1. Thank you! I haven't started a "serious" search yet. But I bet that will happen soon now that the temp's are in the high 80s and low 90s with a broken a/c.


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