January 7, 2022

2022 thoughts.....


This meme is perfect......a few years ago I gave up on making resolutions.  They are more like empty promises you make to yourself that you know you'll never make a habit of ~ if you never worked at staying active and fit, it's unlikely you ever will (although I've heard that you can make something a habit after 40 days, but I tend to think of these habits as negative ones, like drinking every day, or constantly being late for stuff).  Oh my, how I used to write down my resolutions and worked very hard to make them a reality, but unfortunately for me most of those were weight loss.  😀  Yeah, I find that funny, because there are so many more things that should be at the tops of our lists.

Mom, I do miss you.  And I am glad that you did not see that I waited until Jan 7th to remove the Christmas tree and decorations.  My Mom was always so tired of it that she usually took the tree down the day after.  Yes, I mean the 26th!  My sister and I would be so sad to see it all go.  

It is an exhausting business.  I started working on it at 8:30 and really just finished up at 1:30.  To be fair, I did re-arrange the closet where I store it, threw out a few things, vacuumed it, etc.  But it's done, and now I'm tired and unmotivated to do much of anything else.  Hence, here I am at my desk blogging :-)

Yesterday we said goodbye to an employee of 21 years at our dental practice.  I will both miss her and not.  She is fun to be around, has a great sense of humor.  Unfortunately she was awful at following up with some of her work.  If I happened to speak to a patient about their benefits, suddenly she would just assume I would be the person to speak to them every time they had a billing question or insurance issue...I could never understand how I inherited this person's problems just by talking to them once.  There are other things, but it seems senseless to bring them up now.....right?  Haha  We will miss her, regardless of her shortcomings ~ I mean we all have them!  

Well, I think I'll go make some popcorn and watch a movie!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Love, 365


  1. I, too, do not do resolutions and then beat myself up if I didn't meet them. Nope old me has no time for that! How many more weeks until you're no longer working outside the home?

    1. 20 weeks and a few days! The countdown has truly begun!

  2. I make goals these days, not resolutions. They usually are more achievable :) Growing up, we always kept the tree up til January 6th. When I put up a tree (haven't in a few years) I would take it down by December 31st. I wanted to start the new year without the tree up lol :)

    That is a cute meme :)


    1. I do have goals (like I do before retirement). Goals are more lifelong than resolutions, although I'm not sure why I see it that way.
      Wow, Jan. 6th? My Mom just couldn't deal with it that long. I think my Mom had more OCD than she would like to admit.

  3. No resolutions. A waste of time and probably a load of guilt. Our Xmas decos are down and boxed but the tree is still there waiting to be dismantled. One day soon, I suppose. It's winter, there's a virus I'm trying not to be chilled by chilling out?
    I'm watching some crappy film and thinking about a coffee and some crochet

    1. I meant to take it all down over a few days, but yesterday I decided to just do it all. I felt satisfied that I re-arranged the closet where I keep it all (I sure wish we had an attic, but none to be had in a two story house).
      I watched The Courier, with Benedict Cumberbatch....highly recommend if you like history....I barely noticed that I singed the popcorn :-)

  4. Trying not to be chilled by chilling out?? I'm scratching my head over that 😂😂😂 what did I mean

  5. Ha - like that. We will be moving house again this year so the resolution is to start reducing the stuff we have no intention of moving. Is that a goal or a resolution?


Two weeks and counting.......

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