January 14, 2022

The highs and lows of this week..........


I picked this meme because I love little Grogu (the child on The Mandelorian).  Look at that ugly/cute face....

This week started out pretty darn good!  Even at the end of the day on Tuesday and Wednesday I was in a great mood!  That's pretty rare as usually I feel like I've escaped prison when I leave at the end of the day :-)

Thursday was OK, but I had to stay an hour late waiting for the doc to finish the fillings on a guy who has Parkinson's.  Poor guy, he can hardly hold still for the fillings to be done.  Took nearly 2 hours. 

Today I found out that there has been talk about the new girl.  And she is a girl, she's only 26.  She seems very nice, doesn't hesitate to answer the phone or greet patients.  One of the docs came up to us today to discuss it with us.  And Ms Loud immediately goes into the list of undesirable behaviors ~ she said she isn't very motivated, and she's on her phone a lot.  I mentioned that she might not feel comfortable jumping in, especially after we told her not to post any patient payments (which has to do with a complicated switch over from two docs co-owning the business, to one owner).  You know, maybe she's feeling a little less confident after Ms Loud goes to her and says "don't post any patient payments until we're able to get you up to speed on making sure we credit the right doctor".  Which sounds reasonable until you hear the tone she says it in.  I mentioned this, and also mentioned that maybe - just maybe - 4 days isn't enough to make the determination?  Ugh.  

After the doc left, I said that it was kind of the pot calling the kettle black about the phone thing, since the person who made the comment is on her phone all the time.  I don't know.  Maybe I'm just a sucker.  Maybe I'm too compassionate (yeah, it's not a good thing if you know me, I cry at commercials).  And we all are on our cell phones.  Ms Loud is on hers even more than the person who made the comment.  

Well, it's all over now until Tuesday, so we'll see how it goes.  In a few short months it won't matter to me anyway.  

Hurray for the weekend!

Love, 365


  1. When a new person succeeds, some people feel it diminishes their position. Big sign of insecurity to not pick.

    1. I would not say she has, in the past 4 days, shown overwhelming signs of success. But, remember this is an office with a majority of women! An older women can sometimes feel threatened by those younger than themselves, haha.

  2. Enjoy the 3 days off!! Its hard to stay off cell phones while at work unless there is a specific rule that one shouldn't be on their cell phone (like my DIL's work. She can listen to music but not watch movies/shows and can't take personal calls). I remember when the kids were in school the hassles of trying to control the classroom with kids being on their phones. Great invention but sometimes a pain if you know what I mean :)


    1. In dentistry we don't get minor holidays like MLK Day, so we're working...it's one of those "teachers and kids are out of school so the schedule is always full" things.
      Some offices have a very strict policies about employee cell phones, but ours doesn't. We all look at our phones during the day, me included. It was just that the person who made the comment....well, you see where I'm going.

  3. Heavens -who has time to mess about with their pbone at work? And if they do have that time, isn't it the employer's responsibility to find them more constructive ways to fill the time they are being paid for?

    1. Well we do have periods where there's not much going on, but yeah. There's always something to do. I didn't mean for the main issue to be the fact that she was taking a couple of calls, but I might suggest kindly that she restrict calls for when she's at lunch.

  4. I saw a doctor once a month for a year. He had serious turnover issues. The sweet young pretty girls were just not going to last. Well, of Course the old battle axe was running them off. I finally told Him why he couldn't keep help. And, Suddenly, an important and time consuming part of my file goes missing! He told me I was gonna have to do that again. I said
    Nope.. Not doing it. Your old broad did that.. She can fix it. Yeah, it's amazing how stupid smart people are.

  5. It's not so much talking as doing other things (like texting). The only person I've seen playing games on her phone is Ms Loud. And there is no policy prohibiting it. Everyone does it. As for the neighbor? Total idiot.


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